Hello everybody,If someone can offer me reassurance or their experiences the support and input would really help me.
I was 5 weeks 6 days yesterday. I had brown spotting when I wiped for 2 days, and then yesterday morning when I woke up to pee I felt something pass and the toilet water was red. I went immediately to the er and my hcg was 22,300 and the intravaginal scan showed a gestation sac measuring 5 weeks 6 days but no fetal pole or heartbeat. The doc said it's too early for those to show and listed the pregnancy as viable. After that one bleed yesterday morning, I had red blood when I wiped with a pea sized clot. Today it has just been brown spotting again when I wipe. I haven't had any cramping or pain. Can this be a missed miscarriage or blighted ovum? Or is it really just too early to see a fetal pole and heart beat at 5 weeks 6 days? My scan isn't until 10 days from now and I don't know hpw I'll get by til then. Thank you for reading.