Hello, I’m 34 weeks pregnant and I have suffered with extremely bad heartburn throughout my whole pregnancy. (I’ve never had heartburn before I was pregnant) I’ve been using strong mints and chewy at the moment and it’s always worked. This is because the Gaviscon medicine and tablets I just can’t stomach the look and taste makes me feel sick! I’ve also been told I’m not allowed to use rennies. Does anyone have any suggestions to get rid of heartburn? Now because I am on iron tablets it is causing it more and I have it all day and it gets worse on nights
Advice for heartburn!: Hello, I’m 3... - Pregnancy and Par...
Advice for heartburn!
I think I remember once hearing that mint isn’t good for heartburn also at night when you go to sleep maybe try sleeping with an extra pillow might stop the acid coming up as much
Just copied this from google:
Popular natural heartburn remedies
Ginger. Well known for reducing nausea, ginger can also have a soothing effect on the digestive tract, says Erica Nikiforuk, a naturopathic doctor in Toronto. ...
Apple cider vinegar. ...
Pineapple and papaya. ...
Herbal tea. ...
Probiotics. ...
I was suffering horrendously with heartburn. I went to the doctor and was put on omeprazole. Haven’t had any heartburn at all since. It’s worked wonders for me. I’m 33 weeks
I am suffering from heartburn from the first time ever in my life (thought I was dying first time it struck 😂) gaviscon isn’t pleasant but it works! I was told not to have chewing gum - it’s one of the worst things you can have for indigestion/heart burn because the chewing/saliva production stimulates stomach acid which can trigger/make it worse.
I'm another one who was prescribed omeprazole and this worked great for me. I didn't find gaviscon helpful at all! I also had to cut out barbecue pringles (😭) towards the end of my pregnancy, which was tough, but I found foods like that made my heartburn much worse.
I’ve had it for the first time ever too. Oh the fun things that happen to our bodies!! Haha. I’ve not tried any medical remedies but drinking ginger ale before bed, more pillows and eating earlier have all helped. Hope you find a solution!! Not long to go now!!
I was the same! In the last weeks of pregnancy it became so unbearable ( especially at night, I couldn’t sleep at all because of heartburn) that I asked a remedy to my consultant, and was prescribed Ranitidine (didn’t work, and then discovered it was recalled in Italy as a substance in it was discovered to be potentially cancerous), and then I was prescribed omeprazole. Miraculous! Since the first tablet, I was totally fine!!
Talk to your midwife/consultant/GP.
And try to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy! Xxx
Hey I'm taking rennies like there's no tomorrow, it even says you can in the leaflet, is there a reason why you've told you no?! Xx
I had this really bad, I was first prescribed peptac which worked initially but as I got further on in pregnancy my midwife prescribed ranitidine. It has cleared it up completely.
Another thing I did to help was drink lots of water with cucumber in it, it seemed to reduce the acid and provide a bit of relief
Definitely omeprazole. I didn't even need to go to the gp for the prescription, they sent it to the pharmacy directly after I called crying bc reflux didn't let me sleep all night when I was around 35 weeks pregnant. It worked really well for me. Hope it gets better soon x
Do not use strong mints for heartburn!!!!! It makes u feel good burn the stomach is not gonna like it.
I don't recommend actual strong prescriptions for a pregnancy heartburn.
Just take one or two tums moderately. The pregnancy heartburn is temporary and to a certain extent ur just gonna have to suffer it.
I had it really bad too and taking tums really helped. Also avoiding spicy acidic foods helped too. For some reason ground beef made it happen too. Real chunk meat was better.
It's only temporary so please don't take actual medications for an illness you don't even have!
I had horrible heartburn was like a stone stuck in my chest. I even went into a&e thinking I was having a heart attack! I was put on ECG and then later The nurse gave me gaviscon infront of everyone in the ward omg I was so embarrassed!! I tried rennies and gaviscon. The gaviscon was bleeugh. Rennies not bad. Also tums were nicer.
Hi, a glass of milk helps me instantly. Also peppermint tea x