Has anyone told people they’re expecting before the 12week scan?
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Telling people

Yes we told close friends and immediate family when we found out as they knew we had been through IVF and they had been on this journey with us. It was something my husband and I felt we could talk about with them as we knew they would be wondering how it turned out. Post 12 weeks told work etc. Its not everyone's choice but it was ours xx
No. Why do you ask?
Personally we didn't, as my husband wanted to make sure everything was ok first. But there's no reason why you shouldn't if you feel that you will benefit from the support of family and friends by sharing. It can be a really exciting bit also stressful time, especially if you had fertility treatment to conceive, and if you have a lot of sickness it's a lot easier to explain to people why you are behaving a certain way.
On a side note, I have friends who've experienced miscarriage and they felt that by hiding the news until the 12 week scan (where they found a missed miscarriage/baby had stopped growing), and they say the feel like they never got to acknowledge their pregnancies amongst wider family and friends. Your body goes through so much in those first 12 weeks, I can only imagine how sad that must feel.
Do what works for you. Share if you want or need to, don't if you feel it's not right for you. Best of luck for a healthy 9 months!
Yes but reluctantly, it was close family and friends and they figured it out we didn’t tell them. We didn’t announce publicly until 13 weeks with my son and 16 weeks with my daughter. I think for my next pregnancy I’m just not going to announce at all.
I've told close family & friends before 12 weeks with each of my pregnancies, but I can't keep my mouth shut lol
It's a very personal thing, & if you aren't ready to share then don't. But equally, if there's a few people you would like to tell then go for it x
I told close friends and immediate family as soon as we found out. Also had no choice but to tell work before as well because I was off with sickness for about 8 weeks - as much as my manager tried to be discreet; everyone had pretty much worked it out by the time I went back to work!
I didnt tell anyone as I had waited so long to become pregnant that when it finally happened I wanted to wait till 12 weeks and be absolutely sure that everything was ok and it wasnt ectopic etc. But when I finally told everyone, my close family already secretly knew as they'd picked up on the fact I hadn't been well for a while but didnt want to spoil my surprise lol x
I told my best friends, my mum and sister, I told the people I would want to support me if it went wrong. Not the most positive of reasons, but when my first pregnancy ended in a missed miscarriage I was so glad of their support.
Wish you all the best x
I told a few close friends and family and a couple of people at work, but then unfortunately had a missed miscarriage. We are trying again now and if I get pregnant again I am more likely to tell people to be honest as it was much better to have the support of the people who knew. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable, there's no real reason to not tell people before 12 weeks, it's just what has become 'normal' but it's important to do what is best for you to support you through your pregnancy.
Yes we absolutely did straight away. We went through hell and back trying for the past three years and after the second ivf attempt we finally got a positive so we wanted to tell our families and closest friends who knew what we have been going through. When we found out we were having twins (at week 7 scan) we also told everyone. I told at work fairly early on as I knew I would need extra support with dr visits, scans, bloods etc and you can’t just not tell people you spend half of your time in a day with! We also spoke to our midwife about the whole telling thing and she recommended to tell people early on, which gives you support network if something goes wrong. So I’m all for telling, wearing that baby on board badge, eating for two if you really need to and just enjoy being pregnant rather than worry what you should be telling people. I wish you a wonderful pregnancy x
I did, my mom and my boss. I work in a risky environment and didn't want to take the risk of not telling
People knew I was expecting before my 12 week scan as I started to show at 9 weeks
5th baby
With first one I was reluctant, so told only family.
With second I told everyone starwight away as it was not a secret, I let everyone be happy for us and supportive.
You do as you feel 🤗
I told close family and friends as I feel that if anything did happen I would want my support network to know.
Yes we told close family only, unfortunately I lost our baby & only found out at the 12 week scan, but personally I think telling family that we were having a baby & then lost the baby, was better off than just telling family we'd lost the baby if that makes sense.
I've lost 3 at 12w I had told our families and a couple of close friends I wouldnt publicly announce anyway. If we do conceive again we wont bother telling anyone for as long as possible.