Hey lovelies. I'm 17 weeks with baby number 1 and today and yesterday had a TINY little pale amount of brownish when I wiped after a wee. Bearing in mind I went to the loo (what felt like) about a thousand times, this happened like 1 in 10 times, maybe less. Was even less today but slightly noticeable on loo roll once or twice. I really don't want to be a drama queen but neither do I want the jeopardise anything with this pregnancy. Any advice or suggestions or similar personal experiences? Thank you in advance xxx
Light spotting at 17 weeks. Should I ... - Pregnancy and Par...
Light spotting at 17 weeks. Should I worry?

I had this when I was around 14 weeks and it was nothing to be concerned about. My midwife said they only show concern when it’s bright red blood and you have bled at least a teaspoon. I have a healthy 5 month old baby boy now x
There’s no harm in giving your midwife a call. I’m sure everything is fine but at least it will help put your mind at rest x
I would always give your midwife or doctor a call they will like you to call too as they will properly do a urine test just to be sure and when I bled a little I was further a long though they examined me too x x x
I had a bleed at 14 weeks and went in to get checked. They did an internal check of my cervix etc and all was well but I was glad I went and they checked. The also checked for Strep B etc which was an added bonus, and heard the heartbeat via Doppler.
I’d get it checked though Brown indicates old blood.
Congratulations darling,
As everyone said there is nothing wrong with calling your midwife for advise so it will ease your mind.
I bleed throughout my pregnancy and there was no problem to or with the baby. Brown discharge is old blood that was in your system that could be from your last period or the changes of your uterus.
As you said it’s noticeable only when you wipe then it’s nothing to worry about. However if you experience pain, fever or start to bleed go straight to A&E.
Relax and enjoy the rest of this magical journey
Ladies you are all AMAZING, thank you so much for taking the time to reply. You're incredible thank you xxxx