I am 17weeks pregnant with no amniotic fluid during ultrasound and spot bloodstain but fetal heart beat is OK 148bpm, doctor advice termination which I refuse. I am so worried cos I really want my child to be fine plz dose anyone has similar case and how was the outcome. I need reply plz.
No amniotic fluid at 17 weeks - Pregnancy and Par...
No amniotic fluid at 17 weeks

I have never had this myself but have been on google with your question, a lot of women who have like you have no fluid at 17 weeks and quite a few were advised to terminate, but like you have refused. And I was suprised how many baby's were OK, some women's fluid levels went up with rest and drinking of fluids, however I am not a medical professional, and not all stories ended well. What do you have to do now? When's your next appointment? Hope all goes well for you. If you ever need to talk contact me anytime. Rebecca X
Thanks Rebecca, but I already lost my child this morning.... So painful
Hi, I am so sorry, what a really stressful and worrying situation for you. I've not heard of this only low amniotic fluid and also had a little look up about it. Have they offered to put you on a drip? As sometimes this can help the fluid build up a bit x
This can be really scary with my first pregnancy I was 35 weeks pregnant and the dr had told.me that the placenta wasn't giving baby enough nutrients and that my amniotic fluid wasn't doing its job I had to have an emergency c section my baby was fine I wouldn't start worrYing just yet..I know this can be scary when is ur next ultrasound
Please contact fetal medical clinic london ther is a Greek Dr (long name!) who runs it and has a charity set up attached to it, this is what he specialises in and is world renowned for fetal surgery and have heard of him saving a baby that mother was also advised to terminate for a similar problem, I know he is super busy but don't give up! Good luck x
How did this turn out I’m 17w1d and I have very low amniotic fluid . Looks for answers and really hoping our baby will make it 💚