Hello lovely ladies and bumps! Well well I was sitting on the sofa this weekend and suddenly felt a kick... Wasn't sure if it was a kick so asked partner to feel and he felt it to! Still wasn't sure so put it down to possible wind!! But no same today!! Definitely kicking! I thought 17 weeks would be to early for bump to be kicking! It is the most incredible feeling ever and every time they kick it reduces me to absolute tears! I've never been so happy in my life and I just can't wait to meet bump! It has made it feel all so much more real and due to having m/c last year it's all so much more precious! I really feel so lucky for all I have. Have my scan in 3 weeks as well! Quite scary how fast it is going! Feels like yesterday I found out I was pregnant! When did everyone else feel their bumps kicking?
Hope everyone is well xx