Hi, I’ve been taking aspirin and self-injecting 80mg of Clexane daily due to high maternal BMI.
I had to previously inject clexane for 2 weeks after a c-section and had some slight bruising but nothing like I’m having at the moment. This is after only a week.
I’m attaching a picture of what the bruises are like since I started the injections and the really dark purple blue on on the bottom right is yesterday days injection and it has a really painful lump underneath it. For reference the entire thing is about the size of my hand
Is it normal to have bruising like this with lumps underneath? I never had anything like it before. I’m confident with injecting, is there anything I can do to prevent the lumps/bruising? Still having really bad morning sickness and chasing after a toddler and bending down after him and picking him is getting really painful.
I’ve got to carry on doing this until baby is here and 6 weeks afterwards. So that’s another 30 weeks.
If anyone has any suggestions or has had this before I’d appreciate the help.