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14 weeks +1 Pregnant, self-injecting clexane and taking aspirin.

ChloeLeighCorn profile image
21 Replies

Hi, I’ve been taking aspirin and self-injecting 80mg of Clexane daily due to high maternal BMI.

I had to previously inject clexane for 2 weeks after a c-section and had some slight bruising but nothing like I’m having at the moment. This is after only a week.

I’m attaching a picture of what the bruises are like since I started the injections and the really dark purple blue on on the bottom right is yesterday days injection and it has a really painful lump underneath it. For reference the entire thing is about the size of my hand

Is it normal to have bruising like this with lumps underneath? I never had anything like it before. I’m confident with injecting, is there anything I can do to prevent the lumps/bruising? Still having really bad morning sickness and chasing after a toddler and bending down after him and picking him is getting really painful.

I’ve got to carry on doing this until baby is here and 6 weeks afterwards. So that’s another 30 weeks.

If anyone has any suggestions or has had this before I’d appreciate the help.

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ChloeLeighCorn profile image
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21 Replies
Sisi14 profile image

Aw that looks awful hun and sore. I would go back to gp with the pics and just enquire about it.

We do have extra blood flow so it could be down to that and lumps could be tissue but I’d definitely check it out xx

ChloeLeighCorn profile image
ChloeLeighCorn in reply to Sisi14

Thank you I’m going to try to get a hold of my midwife. Xx

Sisi14 profile image
Sisi14 in reply to ChloeLeighCorn

Yes do so hun just to be safe xx

roxannacar profile image

Aspirin and clexane will both thin your blood so brushing is pretty common. Make sure that after you inject you press properly on the site to try and limit.

However you should have your blood count monitored whilst using clexane too as rarely can decrease you platelets (a type of cell in the blood that cells clotting), so I would enquire with your midwife/consultant that started you on it.

ChloeLeighCorn profile image
ChloeLeighCorn in reply to roxannacar

The person who showed me how to inject to me specifically not to rub/press on the injection afterwards as it causes bleeding. But a few people have told me to try it so I’m unsure what to do. Going to speak to my own midwife and see what she says. I think my blood pressure may be high, so I may go in to have that checked and mention it then if I can’t get a hold of her. At the beginning my bp was 120/70 at 8 weeks and at 13 weeks it was 150/79. They said the top number is high but bottom number in the high end of normal and are trying to avoid putting me in the medication as it causes side effects for baby after birth. The same happened to my son, I had preeclampsia. I have the symptoms apart from swelling so should probably get that checked anyway. Sorry I’m ranting a bit my partner thinks I’m over worrying I need to vent. 😂😊

7w1d profile image

I was using Clexane up until 12 weeks of pregnancy. Try to make sure you’re not injecting in the same spot every day as this can cause a hematoma (collection of blood under the skin) which is what it looks like from your photo. I used to inject on opposite sides each day to try and avoid. Also I found there were certain spots on my tummy (at the sides) where the needle went in a lot easier. If you can find these spots then it doesn’t seem to bruise as much there. I used to get small lumps under the skin too so I found if I gently rubbed the injection site for a minute or 2 afterwards this would disperse the clexane and wouldn’t form a lump. Hope helpful! I know how painful it can get after a while!

ChloeLeighCorn profile image
ChloeLeighCorn in reply to 7w1d

All the injections are at least an inch to an inch and a half apart but the bruises keep getting bigger and joining up to each other. The person who showed me how to inject this time said to go around 2 inches away from my belly button in a circle around as I’m going to be doing it for so long. That way by the time I come back around it should of healed where I started. She specifically told me not to rub the injection sight afterwards as it causes bleeding? The lump is getting bigger and really painful. To the point where it woke me up in the night when I laid on that side. It’s so confusing because different midwifes give different advise, and quite a lot of the time they completely contradicts each other. For example, one told me bruising was normal and another told me it’s not normal and people who get bruises with clexane are injecting wrong and damaging blood vessels. So I’m officially confused. Thank you for your help, I’m going to phone my own midwife (the others were from the hospital) and see what she thinks. 🙂

7w1d profile image
7w1d in reply to ChloeLeighCorn

Yeah def best to speak to a medical professional. I can only tell you what worked for me. An inch to 2 inches wasn’t far enough apart for me though, I had to go opposite sides entirely. I mentioned the bruising to my IVF consultant too and he said it’s totally normal and that what I had was nothing compared to some women he’d seen. Maybe it just affects you a bit worse then others hon. Sorry, I know it’s probably not that you want to hear!

ChloeLeighCorn profile image
ChloeLeighCorn in reply to 7w1d

I spoke to my midwife on the phone. She said that I should keep an eye on the lump. It’s normally okay goes goes away on it’s on but if it doesn’t get any better or gets bigger to get it checked out. She said to inject on the other side until it clears. I’ll have a go at running the injection sight and see if it helps. I also read that if you push the plunger in slowly like over a minute or so it’s supposed to help so I’ll try that too. 😊

ChloeLeighCorn profile image

What I was concerned about as well, is the day before this picture it was looking a lot more healed. And after I did the injection that day, it’s like the new blood leaked into the old bruises if that makes sense. Like it’s continuously bleeding And that new bruise is the one with the lump. I read online that if you have a lump under an injection it means you hit a blood vessel.

ChloeLeighCorn profile image
ChloeLeighCorn in reply to ChloeLeighCorn

Also I can physically see the lump if I’m on my side looking down, is that normal?

Hey I’m on the jags as wel. But a lower dose as a preventative as I’ve had clots before. Do you rub after jagging? Or keep going to the same place to inject? I have to make sure I move mine every day to some where different until the previous parts I’ve jabbed look like they haven’t been touched. Hope you get some answers/help from drs. Xx

ChloeLeighCorn profile image
ChloeLeighCorn in reply to

No I don’t rub after injecting the midwife who showed me how said not to and I’ve just noticed now it says specifically in the information you get when they give you the prescription not to rub. I’ve been doing different places about a inch and a half away but on the same side. They advised me to do it that way because I’m going to be doing it for so long, I’m supposed to go around my stomach in a circle keeping at least 2 inches away from my belly button. I’ve spoken to them on the phone and they said to swap sides until the lump goes and to keep an eye on if it gets bigger or takes a while to go away. Xx

in reply to ChloeLeighCorn

Ah ok. I started these at 12weeks and will continue until after the birth.

Im the sand told not to rub. Except I actually put mine into my thigh. I just pinch a bit of fat and switch them etc.

Hope it calms down for you! These jags are so annoying. I can’t stand them! Xx

ChloeLeighCorn profile image
ChloeLeighCorn in reply to

Same for me apart from I started at 13 weeks. I’ve got to do it for 6 weeks after birth and I’m 14 weeks. So another 32 of jabs to go. 😩 I asked about putting them in my thigh as I didn’t like the idea of injecting in my belly while pregnant but midwife assured me it’s perfectly safe, the needles don’t go deep enough to get anywhere near the baby/amniotic sac. She said it’s better to inject in the stomach as it absorbs better there. I don’t mind the actual jab, doesn’t bother me. I find the needle itself doesn’t hurt, it’s when you start actually pushing the clexane through that it hurts, kind like a stingy burn? But goes pretty quickly if I leave it alone. The bit that’s bothering me is the lump. The actual bruising you can see on the picture is completely painless it’s just that one but where the lump is so I’m hoping once that’s gone I’ll be okay. 😂😊 xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

Iv been using these from 6 weeks and will do till 6 weeks after the birth your doing them right hun. I'm 34 weeks and iv bad bruising but not as bad as yours. Like Roxanne said you should be getting your platelets checked hope it clears up soon hun. Doesn't look pleasant at all xxx

ChloeLeighCorn profile image
ChloeLeighCorn in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Wow I don’t think I could cope that long, I guess I’m going to have to. It’s gone worse today. But on the plus side today’s injection that I did on the other side hasn’t bruised but has come up in a small lump. No where near as painful as the other side though. You’ve not got long left. Do you know what your having or are you keeping it a surprise? Xxx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to ChloeLeighCorn

I sometimes get them lumps hun. I found out in Feb iv got hereditary thrombophillia factor 2 which I was tested for due to reocurring losses. I'm doing these as a, trial Alife2 trial to see if it helps stop miscarriages with ppl with this blood clotting disorder. I'm on asprin and labetalol too.

Glad your not in as much pain with the one today.

I couldn't keep a surprise if I wanted too I'm too eager. I'm having a boy hun. Will you be finding out what your having.


ChloeLeighCorn profile image
ChloeLeighCorn in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Sorry to hear about your losses. I know what that’s like. Hoping for a smooth delivery for you! 💙

I’m on aspirin as well, they’re trying to prevent me taking the blood pressure medication as it causes low blood sugar in the baby after birth.

I already have a son and he had to be force fed breast milk and have a heel prick test every hour to monitor his blood sugar and make sure it went up. It did after a day or two but it was horrible seeing him being pricked in the heel all the time. He came home 5 days later with cuts all over his heals. I know they had to do it to make sure he was okay but I was emotional and wanted to kill the nurse who kept doing it. 😩😂 my top number is high and bottom number high end of normal 150/79 So they’re just monitoring me for now.

Yes I’m the same, but for now it stops me from buying everything. I will find out though. I’m hoping for a girl for a change but I really don’t mind either way as long as they’re healthy. Xxx💜

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to ChloeLeighCorn

So sorry you know what a loss is like too. Big hugs hun 😘💝

Omg. Why has no Dr told me labetslol can course low blood sugar now worried I'm on 3 a day. I can't bare that pricking them in the heel. They had to draw blood from my daughters brain during labour and that was awful 😢 thanks for sharing that I'll be talking to my drs next week. 😔 sorry you had to see your little boy go through that it's so not nice seeing them getting hurt even if it's for their own good.

Awwww bless ya. I secretly hoped for another girl just because I love dressing them and my girl is so good but I'm happy and feeling very blessed I'm having a boy now very used to the idea can't wait to meet him. Keep in touch hun. Let us know how you get on and what your having.


ChloeLeighCorn profile image
ChloeLeighCorn in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

They didn’t tell me until after delivery which really annoyed me. They didn’t want to put me off taking it. (I don’t think it’s guaranteed to cause low blood sugar but there a chance) The low blood sugar is a lot less risk than uncontrolled high blood pressure. Don’t worry about it too much. It’s a lot safer than the alternative. You too let me now when little one is here, hopefully he won’t have the same problem as my son did with the low blood sugar. 💙💙

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