origanlly i didn't tell my parents i was pregnant and i had a termination booked for financial reasons but before i booked it they did all the tests required such as blood, weight, height, urine, and ultra scan but obviously me and my partner was not aloud to see that as it was for a termination. When they told me i had to have a operation because i was 12 weeks (to far along) i had to have day surgery i was terrified so i told my mum and we all agreed i keep my baby. I cancelled the termination and told my doctor, i got a call from my hospital on thursday just gone saying they are fully booked till this week so i cant have a scan because i will be over 14 weeks which is really disheartening to hear and they told me to go private for my first scan if i wanted one but i cant afford it because of fiancial reasons which is why i booked a termination in the first place. i really want this first scan as i dont no anything about my baby like when im roughly due etc and they have not given me any notes to give to my midwife when i meet her/him, my mum has told me to complain as this is ill treatment and this happened to her and then she miscarried so now my family are all really worried. I would like some advice on what i should do please.
First baby 14 weeks and not aloud a s... - Pregnancy and Par...
First baby 14 weeks and not aloud a scan what should i do?
Have the hospital given you a reason for this 14 week cut off date? I would imagine that if they have not given your midwife/GP any of your notes then they would want to be satisfied that everything is ok. I would definately try and ask to speak to a supervisor...or even your midwife who may backyou up. Good luck. PS roughly where abouts are you?
no they have not given me a reason, ok thank you. south west london/middlesex my hospital is west middlesex.
Thank you for your help i went for my first appointment to meet the midwife today and she could not understand how i was not aloud a scan. Also she didnt understand how she was meant to make measurements and get important informaton with no scan so she done a scan on me that i was aloud to see and she even gave me four pictures.
The scan you had will have accurately dated your pregnancy and when you see a midwife she should be able to tell you your due date. There is no reason to do another scan at this gestation, you will have another scan at around 20 weeks when you will be able to see your baby. Have you got an appointment with the midwife? She will give you your notes too. X
Not yet to be honest im a little worried about the lack of communication as i have not seen or got a appointment from a midwife or health visitor i had my bloods and everything two weeks ago and i have not heard anything back i have been to my doctor this morning and she said this is unusual as she has not got anything about me either and is going to try and get me a scan from a different hospital but not to get my hopes up.
I know it's not the same as seeing a scan of your *own* baby but these pages give you a good idea of what's going on in there.
Slideshow: babycentre.co.uk/photo_gall...
Video: babycentre.co.uk/video/preg...
More about 14 weeks: babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/...
Good luck!
Thank you.
Thank you for your help i went for my first appointment to meet the midwife today and she could not understand how i was not aloud a scan. Also she didnt understand how she was meant to make measurements and get important informaton with no scan so she done a scan on me that i was aloud to see and she even gave me four pictures.
Contact your GP surgery and ask for an appointment with your local midwife team, when you meet them request a scan and they are able to approve this.
If you keep pushing them you will get what you want,
Good luck!
ok thank you.
Thank you for your help i went for my first appointment to meet the midwife today and she could not understand how i was not aloud a scan. Also she didnt understand how she was meant to make measurements and get important informaton with no scan so she done a scan on me that i was aloud to see and she even gave me four pictures.
The reason your scan was cancelled is probably that there is no medical implication past 14 weeks. For the medics, the first scan is primarily a "search and destroy" mission. They check the health of the foetus and if there are serious concerns, they offer an abortion (or in rare cases, take other medical measures, but that is still uncommon).
By being past 14 weeks, you have missed the time window for certain checks. It doesn't greatly matter; chances are that your foetus is healthy anyway, particularly if you are still younger.
However, if you want a picture of your foetus, do not worry. There is a second scan! The second scan is usually offered in the 18-22 weeks window in the NHS. So in just four weeks, you should be receiving a scan, provided you are registered with a midwife (do this through your GP, as suggested by others). This is also the scan during which the gender can usually be identified, although some NHS Trusts have a policy against doing this.
Ok thank you.
Thank you for your help i went for my first appointment to meet the midwife today and she could not understand how i was not aloud a scan. Also she didnt understand how she was meant to make measurements and get important informaton with no scan so she done a scan on me that i was aloud to see and she even gave me four pictures.
"search and destroy"?
The first scan is essentially a dating scan that will confirm a single or multiple pregnancy and the site of the placenta. If the woman also requests Nuchal Translucency screening for Downs Syndrome this is done at the same time but has to be done between weeks 11 - 14. The results of this are not a diagnosis and would be shared with the woman and further investigations offered if necessary. Hope that makes sense.
I hope you get sorted 19andworried! Do come back and tell us when you are
Ok will do thank you.
Thank you for your help i went for my first appointment to meet the midwife today and she could not understand how i was not aloud a scan. Also she didnt understand how she was meant to make measurements and get important informaton with no scan so she done a scan on me that i was aloud to see and she even gave me four pictures.