Hi ladies, quick question, I’m 31wks and been told my baby is going to be small. I’m getting growth scans to keep an eye on baby. Can baby put on weight quite quickly xx
Growth scan: Hi ladies, quick question... - Pregnancy and Par...
Growth scan

Hi they said my daughters were small both 6lb 7oz full term. They’ve only just told me this now pregnant with my 3rd girl 30 weeks along and are sending me for extra scans too says she’s weighing at 2oz 4 which I don’t see small at 28 weeks scan. Going this Wednesday for another so I’ll let you know if she’s out weight on x
Yeh both my boys were 6lb born at 39wks, this is my 3rd boy, going for my 2nd growth scan on wed, baby is weighing 2lb just now x
I didn’t think 6lb was that small 😐 but hey what do i know my eldest who’s 15 size 10 and is 5foot 9 now and my youngest she’s 5 is in age 7-8 clothes so she’s slim but very tall I’m guessing it’s just airing on the safe side x
I don’t think it is either, just need to wait and see. When are you due? Xx
15th October x
Not long, I’m end of sept x
Not long for you then 😊 x
For a baby wise anything under about 6 and a half lb is com Ted small as it's in the lower percentile for baby weights. They will be tracking it in case baby doesn't put weight on steadily. I have the same thing has a scan yesterday and baby 3 is only tracking just on 10th percentile so she wants me back on two weeks to check that he's putting an appropriate amount weight on.
But they also told.me my second would be small. Eldest was 6lb 7 and is 8 now an in age 9 to.twn clothes.cos he's tall and slim youngest was 7lb 13 and had growth scans as they thought he'd be small but they have said with 3rd specifically he's tracking low so they scanning me again in 2 week
I had exactly the same. They also picked up that I had reduced fluid and baby was breach as a result of the scans. Something that wouldn't have been picked up otherwise, the way she was sitting made it seem like she was engaged a few midwifes initially felt her and said she was engaged. She was delivered at 38 weeks by C section and weight 6lb8, which was roughly average. I think she had a growth spurt within the last few weeks. She's three weeks today and is perfect. It's nothing to worry about. My Midwife told me that they are over causious these days and often send women for extra scans if they deviate slightly away from their norm.
I had growth scans from 23weeks as baby kept coming up small. She came at 39wk weighing 7lb 1oz. I didn’t consider that small 😂
I was exactly the same, told baby would be small, around 6lb, he came at 39 weeks 7lb 1oz! He is 8 months old now, in 12-18 month clothes and in the 75th percentile for weight.
Thankyou ladies for all your comments, very much appreciated xx
Been for another growth scan today my baby was 2lb 04oz at 28 weeks and 30 weeks she’s 3lb 11 oz so I’m guessing yes they can x I’ve got another growth scan on 4 weeks to see how’s shes doing she’s head down and cooking away Nicly x
I personally don't think they can tell us, the weight. I think it's all down to genetics and I think these growth scans cause unnecessary stress. Reason being when I had one with my daughter they estimated her at 8LBS something she was on the 20th centile and she weighed 7lbs on the dot.
This time around they put the fear in me that my son would, be small from 13 weeks due to high risk of developing preclampsia or HELLP due to high bp and protein in urine it's being constant and nothing Been found iv had a few scares with symptoms but never developed it upto now I'm 28+2 now. On the 20 week scan he measured on the 90th centile and I have, been filled with dread ever since for my growth scan which I yesterday thinking he's going to have dropped loads due to them saying he's going to be small thankfully he's still on the 90th centile and Estimated weight is 3LBS.I'm back in four weeks to see if he's still doing well. They are going by measurements to predict weight, I'm small at 5ft3 but I'm a curvy 16 my hubby is tall 6ft1 so I believe my son OS just taking after his dad in being a big boy my daughter is tall for her age in 5-6 clothes and she's 4.
As long as bubu is growing nicely and staying within range not dropping below lines etc your fine. I think these systems need updating because I'm always reading of the anxiety mother's go through due to too big or too small predicted weights.
Hope you get reassurance at your next scans 😘💝
Thankyou for your comment, I suppose every pregnancy different. I’m glad they are checking as it reassures me, I hope he comes out big 😁xx
It is, reassuring after they've put the fear in you to see bubus measurements go up.
Let us know how you get on. Did they measure your bump first then send you for a scan? Xxx
They told me right fom 16weeks I was going to get some growth scans, yeh 8 got measured before scan. Xx
See I'm opposite way around they didn't think he's be small but due to a number of factors sent me for a growth scan. To find he's only measuring on the tenth percentile for weight which wouldn't be odd but as he's measuring around the 50th for all his length and other measurements they are worried.
Oh ok so I'm wrong then they can predict the weight. I really thought the weight was predicted by the measurements of the circumfrence and, length?? Xx
I honestly don't know know they work it all how and my mother used to be a midwife but he's not tracking on same percentile for his length, abdominal circumference and head circumference as he is for his weight. The first three are all more in line on the percentiles but his weight is very low percentile compared to them so they must have some way of tracking it.