Has anyone ever seen sent for a growth scan after being told there baby is measuring just above the line, i am 31 weeks i dont know what to think.
Growth scan: Has anyone ever seen sent... - Pregnancy and Par...
Growth scan

Ive seen lots of people on another group say the same then when they went for scan baby was fine. It seems the way they measure is only a guide so I would try not to worry. Also if it helps I have been getting growth scans due to GD and at the last one the consultant said she thinks they over estimated babys size earlier on as is plotting exactly where he should be. ( i have a wriggler so they do have difficulties getting measurements sometimes)
Which centile? I get growth scans I’ve got one next week at 32w my baby is just above the 50th which is I’d say average my 2 other babies were smaller.

I dont really understand the graph the mid-wife didnt explain it just that she should be sitting on the line and she is slightly above. X
Just guessing but looks like your baby is estimated to be on the bigger side so thats prob why they'll want to monitor u. I'm just above the middle line midwife said looking at 8lb 5oz at delivery give or take 1lb either way.
I had growth scans at 32, 35 and 38 weeks as baby was measuring big (95 centile). He was a reasonable 3.6kg but nearly 60cm long!!
I had growth scans every 2 weeks from 28 weeks and my baby was on the 10th centile. He was born at 39 weeks weighing 6lb 6oz which was almost a lb more than they were estimating. xx
Fundal heights are never very accurate. They don't take into account different builds of people, positions of baby etc. Even sonographer scans aren't that accurate. My little one was predicted to be about 7lb 3 and came it at 6lb 1. Even if baby does show up as being on the big side, it's great that they've picked it up as they'll monitor you and you can work out your best plan from there and you can work out your birth plan accordingly.
My 3rd was estimated to be over 10lb by due date, but actually arrived at 8lb 14oz. That was with growth scans and still not very accurate. They measure the size of the head, femur (leg) and stomach and use all three to get a better idea than they can from just measuring from the outside. But they say they can still be up to 20% out.