I’m 36+6, went for my last apt with the midwife at 34. Since the beginning my baby has measured slightly above the curve on the growth chart but this time it had stayed the same. MW said she found it difficult to measure today which could be the reason but referred me for a scan on Monday/Tuesday just to check. Anyone else been through this? Should this be something I’m worried about? Baby has been moving fine and heartbeat was fine today too.
Growth between 34-36 weeks?? - Pregnancy and Par...
Growth between 34-36 weeks??

Nope,you might not have changed shape much since last time or baby may have been laying differently on this appointment. If you're just being measured with the tape and babies moments are good, don't worry, your extra scan will show if there's anything to be concerned with and you can take it from there. Baby may be small or large on the scan and then your midwife will look at what steps you need to take next, if any best of luck xx
I wouldn’t worry as the scans are not absolutely accurate and that fact baby has been above the curve also is more reason not to worry! If any such reason the baby had stopped growing which is unlikely then I’ve heard they can just think of delivering early to make sure they start gaining! Best bet is call your midwife with your concerns about the scan as I always found it helpful when I got myself worked up about things! Let us know how you got on! Xxx

Thanks! Googling has helped a bit but going to try and stay off it until I’ve been told when my scan is tomorrow. It just freaked me out because they’ve always said he’s above the curve. I’ve been so anxious throughout the pregnancy, as I’m sure every woman is, that getting to 37 weeks today feels like such a relief. Just hope that the scan goes ok. Thanks for your reassurance cx
In the late weeks of pregnancy it is very difficult to get an accurate reading. The babies are moving and cramped up in there. My amazing doctor told me this (who did all my scans).
Thanks. She did say he was in an awkward position. Plus I think now I’ve had time to think, I’d rather they were overly cautious than not. Plus he’s all cooked up now so I just hope all goes well from now on xx
No need to worry. I was always measuring 3-4 weeks ahead by midwife. I was having growth scans from 28 weeks right up to 37 weeks.
I wouldn’t worry at all, baby’s lay in different positions all the time x
Thank you for the reassurance, it’s so helpful, honestly! Can’t wait for it to be over and hopefully all positive xx