Hi I have just found our I am pregnant. We are 5 weeks today! I look forward to using this forum as this is my first baby and will need lots of advice !
5 Weeks pregnant: Hi I have just found... - Pregnancy and Par...
5 Weeks pregnant

Welcome and a huge congratulations to you too x
Congratulations! We are almost at the same point! I am 5weeks 5days today 😘😘
You must be over the moon!! Xx
Thanks so much! Yeh we are over he moon !! Congratulations to you too and for the upcoming wedding! We haven’t told anyone yet ... it feels strange but I want to wait til after at least 8 weeks as I think risks reduce after then ?? Not sure if I’ve just made this up though!
We got married last year and no one will notice if tour drinking or not so do t worry about that and just enjoy every minute of it 😘👍🏼
Oww thanks! Telling people is always a bit risky, I've had to tell work as I'm a chemotherapy nurse so need to avoid a lot of tasks at work, especially during early days. Also told family mainly so they don't buy us fancy wine haha and I drink a lot of wine it seems haha!!!
We were told to try for medical reasons in Jan so started planning wedding in Feb, all been a bit mad. Didn't think we would be able to have babies naturally so it's all very exciting!
Oww it's going to be so exciting when you can tell people!!!! Xxx
It’s very exciting for you and for you and your partner!!
I am visiting Scotland this weekend so may find it hard not to tell my twin sister and mum! I don’t know about you but I feel like it’s a big secret and no one else to talk to other than my hubby!! I’m thinking all the time about what’s going on with the baby and thinking ... this is going to be a LONG few weeks before the 12 week scan for reassurance!!🙏🏼🤔
I told my parents last night as they are ovwe for our wedding this Saturday and I'm going to Tell my brother tomorrow when he comes over. It's so nice telling them!! My fiancés dad wasn't happy at all we told him so soon, but with the wedding they would guess anyway!!!
Oww have an amazing time in Scotland! How exciting for you!! And six weeks now yay! How are you feeling? Have you had many symptoms? Hope you are well! This is so exciting!!! Xx
Hi Hannah
Oh so exciting you are getting married this weekend! I think my mum will be like your father in law to be I think😂
I’ve been tired and had some minor cramps early on and now things have settled; not really had any other symptoms other than a bit emotional and tearful on Tuesday! You?
Good luck with the wedding! 💖
Oww you're lucky! I am so hungry, I have even been waking up in the night! So been drinking milk at 2am haha! I need to eat every three hours or so. And I'm not as tolerant which is bad, so people repeating themselves etc. So just a bit hormonal really. And bloated cramps and constipated and if I get too hungry I'm sick and my boobs are huge and sore haha!! But it's not too bad really, annoying having to eat all the time!
Oww I hope your mum is excited after the fear goes away! It's such an exciting time but the fear of something going wrong is always there for someone, I'm not worried at all! But other people can worry for me haha!!! When will you tell your sister? She might guess! Xx
Congratulations I'm 7 weeks with first baby. How you girls feeling? I've got awful nausea but need to eat every few hours to stop wretching. I've had some bleeding and cramping and have another scan on Tues which I'm stressing about. Haven't told any of the family yet and hoping to keep it quiet until 12 weeks but it's going to be so hard.
Hi. Congratulations. Symptoms aren’t too bad other than cramps and tiredness. Trying to exercise every day as helping me with mood etc.
I also want to wait til 12weeks but I live away from home and want to be able to tell some people face to face not via phone!! It’s so hard to make the decision. To tell or not to tell 😂
Thanks. My moods been ok I think haha not sure the husband would agree though.
It is very hard! I've also had to tell some people at work and feel bad they know before my family but I'm so pessimistic I don't want to jinx anything especially as I have been having some spotting.
Do you know how you want to tell people? I go on holiday with my family at 13weeks so will have to tell them before then.
Awww maybe you should tell them on holiday or at the airport 😘 exciting times. We go away with the in laws week 15 so want to tell them then if we don’t see face to face. Not sure how to tell my family as I am one of 5! And getting together isn’t that easy. So a what’s app pic/video may have to do 🤔
I’m feeling positive. But don’t want people worrying unnecessarily and it then becomes a long pregnancy for everyone. My parents already have 8 grandchildren. But this is our first! 💖
Enjoy your symptoms. The hormones gave got to be a good sign 👍🏼
I have not decided yet if I will tell anyone yet. I can hopefully get away with driving excuse. But then again who knows I may find it hard to keep 😂😂
Good luck tomorrow. 👰🏻
Hi Hannah. How was your wedding? I saw on another post you had your scan yesterday. I hope all went okay for you 🙏🏼
Congratulations and welcome to the site xx