Hello, I found put a couple of days in actually pregnant after a year of trying, I'm so excited and nervous. I rang the doctors straight away but the receptionist refused to book me an appointment and told me to ring back in 2-3 weeks. According to the apps I've downloaded I'm 5 weeks today. I want to make sure I'm eating right for the little one, any tips or advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you
Just found out I'm pregnant - Pregnancy and Par...
Just found out I'm pregnant

Congratulations on your pregnancy! When I found out I called my doctors and was told they don’t have midwives so had to fill in a self referral form for a midwife to see me at 8 weeks. The wait was unbearable and obviously you get anxious with your first. I continued to take my multivitamin with folic acid everyday (still taking vitamins at 27 wks). Watch your caffeine intake and take a look at the NHS website for this you should and shouldn’t eat xxx
Thank you so much. I don't drink alcohol or caffeine so all good there. Felt really alone when refused an appointment. Been researching alot, what did we do before Google??
Congratulations 😃
It’s a awful wait but it’ll come round so fast. Try not to stress over what to eat and not a lot of people don’t find out so early I was 2-3 weeks when I found out so I get your worry. My midwife told me to have what ever I needed or wanted obviously no drinking or too much caffeine 200g a day this includes chocolate 🍫 x congratulations again x
I know it’s crazy this is my first pregnancy too and found the waiting strange almost as though they didn’t think it was as important as I did. Everything is a wait but I found trying to relax helped but easier said then done when you’ve been waiting for this for so long ☺️
In my area your suppose to go to an early pregnancy talk where they give you an information pack and they tell you what to/not to eat/drink and medications etc vitamins they take your number and details then the midwife rings with a booking in appointment mine wasn’t until 11 weeks.

O I wish they did that in my area. It felt like a bit of a kick in the teeth when they wouldn't book me an appointment. I live 80 miles from my family and also don't want to tell anyone until we are a bit further along. Just would have been nice to be reassured. I also have a high BMI and want to make sure all ok.
Actually if your bmi is above 30 you should see your gp as it's advised to have 5mg folic acid instead of what you find in multivitamins. You could ask for s phone consultation if Gettjng an appointment is difficult or just say lady problems which technically it is! Nobody will ask details about such...
Re what to eat I'd have a look at NHS choices which goes through everything and has lots of info about the tests they do etc
I think it’s ok around 30ish if your pretty healthy with no health issues or family related illness they’re not that concerned.
Congratulations Hunni , just making sure your taking your vitamins and look out for the foods to avoid on nhs website that will help you xx
Congratulations! If it was me I'd just make a regular appointment with the doctor, not specifying what it was about, and use the time to just go through everything. My surgery booked me in asap when I told them I was pregnant and I saw a midwife a few weeks after that. I know every area is different but the first trimester can be really nerve-wracking, especially with your first baby, and your GP should be there to reassure you.
Everyone has said all to be said about food and midwives.
Bit cheeky on a forum and maybe not allowed...but I highly recommend joining Baby Centre and finding your birth group (month your baby is due). That way you’ve got an instant network of people in the same boat you can get excited with.
Good luck with everything xxxx