Hi ladies... I have just found out Im pregnant.... I believe Im about 5 weeks. Went GP on wednesday for the 1st time... She just send my urine sample to double check. Not sure what happens next. Is it hospital, blood tests...?
I am happy because I want to be a mum. Im turning 28 this coming week. But I am so scared!!! I dont ever go doctors or hospitals... I mean, I have been too often the past 3 years as my fiancee has had 3 spine operation in the space of 2 years and in feb this year he was diagnosed with Kidney cancer. Thank God, we acted quick and so far so good. It seems that they have managed to extract the all thing out and he is ok.
But as I said, for myself I never go doctors. Thank God I have been healthy, so no need to go. But in general I am scared of needles. I use to cry with vacinattion. I think its mostly cause I get myself in a state....just worry and fear rather that the pain itself.
So I am terrief of the labour... I dont know what to expect from now on. Please any advice and support....is very welcome.