Hi all,
I am on the pill, but not that good at taking it. I had sex 2 days after coming off of my period and on my 2nd pill. 10 days later, having not had sex since,I started bleeding brown blook which lasted for 2 days, then nothing for a day then brown discharge for a day.
After that, for a week or so I had really sore boobs, extremely bloated, pressure in my back, tired, sick, headache and emotional, all of which could of been put down to PMS except I was 1.5-2 weeks away from my period. Most of these symptoms have now gone and I should have come on my period today (which i havent)
Sometime I won't come on till the Wednesday so if I haven't come on by tomorrow then I will take a test.
Could I be pregnant though? Could this have been implantation bleeding?
Would I have symptoms like this but then they fade?
I can't sleep at the minute as I'm too worked up, some advice would be helpful
Thanks 😓