I thought I should sign up and report on the very successful MVA procedure I've just had for a delayed miscarriage. After being offered several options, I discounted medical management because it can be lengthy and painful, surgical treatment (because of the general anaesthetic) and conservative management (because I needed closure and my pregnancy showed no signs of coming away in its own). I was petrified of the pain but needn't have been. The procedure is quick and whilst not pain free is no where near as bad as I had read on some forum posts. Take all of the pain relief they offer you (I quite enjoyed gas and air) and expect strong period pains during the procedure and in the days following it. If you are reading this because you are trying to decide which procedure to have please be assured that from my experience, an MVA is a good choice in an experience where there don't seem to be many good choices. Thanks to all at MRI for looking after me and a big high five for the NHS. Finally, if you are reading this because you have had a miscarriage, I am sorry and let's hope it's a better outcome for us all next time.
MVA for Miscarriage: I thought I should... - Pregnancy and Par...
MVA for Miscarriage
Addendum: i was really impressed by how little pain and bleeding there was immediately following the MVA - there was some tenderness and hardly any bleeding. However about 36 hrs later, I was floored by period pains with a large increase in blood flow which have definitely prevented me from 'resuming normal activities' which is what the booklet says you should do.
The booklet says that some women do experience cramps but from this you might assume that they are like the 'normal' pain you might associate with a period. This was not the case for me- ibuprofen and paracetamol together didn't touch the pain.
I still recommend the procedure itself but I would say that you definitely shouldn't make immovable plans for the few days after an MVA and don't go back to work. Expect (instead) to feel miserable and grubby. In short, the 'resume normal activities' thing is bull.