Just wanted to share my experience of an MVA under local anesthetic. I had this done today. Had bloods taken yesterday and was given 2 misoprisol tablets to put in using a tampon 4 hours before the appointment. Was also told to take painkillers an hour before the appointment. The tablets brought on some cramping which was painful but manageable. The actual MVA wasn't too bad and was over in a matter of minutes. The injections were painful but by the time you think ouch it is done. Then after a sandwich, cup of tea and blood pressure taken I was on the way home. Now have some period like bleeding and mild cramps but nothing to bad. I would recommend this procedure as it was quick with a quick recovery time.
MVA for Missed Miscarriage: Just wanted... - Pregnancy and Par...
MVA for Missed Miscarriage

Hi I'm so sorry to hear that you had lost your baby!! But I'm glad you found the procedure you had chosen the right one for you!! I personally chose the medical miscarriage and found that it was the right thing to do for me back in September, I was in hospital for the day although it was upsetting the hospital was great with me and my husband! Take care of yourself and don't do things too early, I found it better to have a few weeks of healing time off work on the sick. I also treat myself and made excuses to get myself back out and about seeing the world but do things in your own time, you know where I am if you ever need to talk xxx
Thank you, I waited to miscarry naturally but the anticipation and the not knowing if it would happen whilst I was working was just causing more anxiety so the op was the best option for me. Today the bleeding has very nearly stopped and I just feel a bit run down. Just hoping to get back to full health now and try for another baby when we can. Thank you for your support - it has been great to have someone to talk to that knows how I am feeling. xxx
I hope you start to feel better soon, sorry what you have been through, I hope you have lots of support xx
Hi - im so sorry for you loss. I had a missed miscarriage in December last year, to cut a long story short, my operation was booked in but i miscarried the day before. I was admitted to hospital because i was so poorly. The next day a scan confirmed it was incomplete. I was sent home and asked to return in two and a half weeks (hoping the miscarriage would continue naturally). Unfortunately i was admitted to hospital two weeks after with an infection. I was fighting for my life. Due to the debris (the new name the doctors call my baby) inside me i contracted Group A streptococcus which lead to sepsis. Im very lucky to be alive and really wish i could have just had the operation at the start. I have been told that due to the scarring i may not concieve naturally now. I didnt really grieve for my baby until a few weeks ago when i began to get better and returned to work. Life can be rubbish at times but together with love ones we can pull through it x x
I am so sorry for your loss too. Sounds like you went through a tough time. I decided on the MVA as I had been spotting for weeks but nothing significant and then I started worrying that I wouldn't know if I had miscarried completely so I felt at least with the Op I would know that it was over. Lots of pregnant people around me at the mo so I am keeping myself to myself until I can trust myself not to burst in to tears at them! Keep positive that it will happen naturally for you and I hope you can start to look to the future soon. xxx
I have noticed that everyone is pregnant too. My baby would have been due the same time as the royal baby so i know i still have more pain to go. I have two beautiful children so i know i am very lucky. Its hard though to example that pain - its a real sting.
Thank you for your reply it was really nice x x