Hi I m 19 weeks pregnant but the day befor yesterday I was in a jarking vehicle then I was feeling heavy pain during walking. I m taking algin 6 tablets in one day. But the pain is not reducing.. I m too much scared can any one give me any suggestions
Due to every day journey I was in jar... - Pregnancy and Par...
Due to every day journey I was in jarking vehicle and having lots of pain while walking
Hi. It could be nothing because feeling pain in the hip is normal. When I was 21weeks I could not really walk because I was in a lot of pain, if I was standing or walking. It could also be a sign of something. Do you feel like you're having menstrual cramps.
Which medication is Algin? Is It safe to take in pregnancy. You know there's only a few medicines you can take when you're pregnant.
Go to the Gp and get it check if you're really worried.
Hi, You might have PGP (pelvic girdle pain). If it is, don't suffer thinking it's a normal part of pregnancy. It's quite common and not dangerous to the pregnancy, but can be really disabling for the term of pregnancy if not treated. You may be told that you have to put up with it until the baby is born, but do contact the Pelvic Partnership for advice or read their website pelvicpartnership.org.uk or call them on 01235 820921. They are all volunteers who have been through it. I had it from 20 weeks and was given bad advice and was in a lot of pain. I would recommend seeing a women's health physio too. There are ways to make it easier, particularly specific massage and avoiding certain movements. You don't just have to put up with it. The NHS and some midwives are quite behind on this subject. Good luck!