stomach hurts. and just cry my eyes out. I am normally an active person as i am a third 3 final semester nursing student but i cant pull myself to do nothing not even house work. i have a dish washer so thank God for that nothing else I have a bath each day but thats about it. Can any one help me i need a pic me up
Feeling down. I have never felt this ... - Pregnancy and Par...
Feeling down. I have never felt this way with any of my other children. All i want to do is stay in bed all day not eat unless my

Are you pregnant or just had baby? x
I am 16 weeks today.
We need to kick you up the bum! Where do you live and i'll come round and drag you out and give you the pick me up you need...
Have you spoken to your midwife, as if you haven't do this asap... How about your partner, where is he? do you see your friends? Are they aware of the pregnancy? I presume you're happy you're pregnant?
Chin up sweetie! xx
hi Duppy i wish that would help., I feel like i am in this alone, my partner has not been working for months and just got a job in Bristol so i see him at the most twice a month. i use to be in church before i meet my partner and all my friends wherein church so now they kind dont want to know if u know what i mean. so its just me and the kids. i dont go out unless i have an appointment and the only person i talk to in all the way in leeds. i am happy that i am pregnant but things are just not going the way it should and its just stressing me out. maybe i am just being silly as my partner said but men what do the know. i am the one being sick, i am the one that cant eat anything, i am the one that looks like a monster. i have 3 other children and i have never felt like this. my eldest 15 i played netball with him right up to 9 months, my 7 year old i was all over the world with him i came back 2 week before i was due and my 4 year old I worked right up to 11 weeks before i was due, i moved house at 10 before she was born and i had a lot to do if you every get a place from the council then u know what i mean. i met my now partner just after having my daughter but we did not start going out till april last year, since we started going out i have had i hectopic, and one miscarriage so i am just scared that i am going to loss this baby. I am trying to get out of bed but as soon as i see the bed i just go in it and curl up. i can give u my address to c if u coming round and giving me a kick will help no i need help.
Oh you poor thing. Sounds like you've got a mix of pregnancy symptoms, stress and feelings of lowness. I would definitely talk to someone about how you're feeling because it sounds like you're not in a good place. My friends have felt low during their pregnancies even without stress and their pregnancies have been very different between children. I hope things improve for you. xx
Thank u. I hope so too.
Hi, sorry to hear that you are feeling low, but pregnancy is such a strange time and has such an impact on how you feel physically and emotionally, so be kind to yourself. I had PND with my first child and am now 40 weeks (!) pregnant with my second. I would suggest talking to someone who can help e.g. Your GP, midwife, local Sure Start Centre; they will be able to listen and provide you with the support you need. I have had moments of real fear this pregnancy and I have found the most helpful things being getting out of the house and doing something to distract me, taking a walk, going to the supermarket...anything!, or talking to someone who is sympathetic like a close friend or family member.
It's ok to admit to feeling like you do, and I am sure not unusual to feel like you do. Reaching out for help is the important thing to get you back on track. Hope this helps, I totally get where you are coming from hope you feel better soon
Thank u very much. I will c if I can get an appointment for monday.
Oh bless u horrible if u feel like this sounds like u have got alot on ur plate too looking after 3 kids and doing it nursing and being pregnant!! Sometimes it feels like everything is too much and u just want to pull them covers over ur head and stay there. .. talking Def helps shame u got some friends round u... At least u have ur kids my oldest kids are great chill out with and after alot of moaning do eventually help me out.. hope u Start to feel better soon xx
My 15 year old is all about the girls for him but bless him he has his moments. And u know exactly how I feel. Just say under da covers and don't get out sometimes I feel like I don't enven want to go wee. But I have to wen my bladder is over full. But I do hope this phase will pass. And thanks fort ur support.
Lots of great advice above. You certainly can't go on like have lots of sympathy from me....just keep asking people for help (friends and GPs/midwives) and hopefully this is just a stage that will pass as your pregnancy goes on.
Don;t be too hard on yourself though xx
Mellissac8, shame on your friends thats all I can say, especially if they are supposed to be involved with the church as well. If my auntie was ever missing from church on the Sunday her friends popped in to see if everything was o.k, being decent people.
Your hormones are running wild and you need to speak to your GP or Midwife, start thinking positive and enjoying being pregnant.
Blokes are usless with womans feelings, I wouldn't even try and go there with making them understand, they are strange creatures.
Thank u all for ur advice.