Hi Ladies,
I am hoping that I am just worrying unnecessarily, but thought I'd get some more opinions.
I had my twelve week scan two weeks ago, and everything was looking as it should.
Since then, last weekend, I picked up a really severe sickness bug and couldn't keep anything, even fluids, down. My drs advised that I needed to keep an eye on my hydration levels, I called them back the next day as my urine was dark but by this stage I could drink water, and they said that as long as I wasn't sick again and my hydration levels improved I didn't need to do anything.
On top of this I have also been put on antibiotics for a urinary tract infection, plus I am on meds for severe morning sickness.
Since being ill last week, it's hard to describe, but I feel different. I might be mad but I thought I was starting to feel flutters, but I haven't felt anything this last week. Also despite not having taken my sickness meds I haven't felt nauseous.
I was so paranoid yesterday that I bought a small heartbeat listening doppler, but I can't hear anything except occasionally my own heartbeat near my tummy button...which had just made me even more worried now
My next midwife appointment isn't for another two weeks, and I don't know whether to just wait for that or if I should call them sooner, and if I did is there anything they can do?