Hi guys, pre warning you, I just need a good rant!!.
I was told at age 13 that id never be able ti have children, now at age 20 im expecting a little boy!
Me and the baby's dad split a week after finding out I was pregnant. I left him cause he blew a weeks wages on cocaine and I dont want that around my child! Im now in a new relationship with my best friend! We have known eachother for almost 10 years and finally have decided to give it a go
But my babys dad obviously isnt best pleased and decided that he didnt want to come to any scans, appointments or have anything to do with the baby. That really upset me but I know hes probably just angry right? So I kept him up to date on the baby regardless as of he changes his mind hell regret missing out.
I had my 20 week scan on Thursday and found out im having a boy! So I text the babys dad to let him know hes going to have a son. He thanked me by phoning me and shouting abuse at me. Calling me all names imagineable. A few hours later I got a message on facebook, I dont know who its from as they blocked me straigh after sending it. The message had some really hurtful things in, this person had said I "shouldnt be allowed my baby and should have been sterilised at birth"
I just cant help but think ive done something wrong! I mean how can so many people be against me when im just trying to do whats best for my child.
Am I doing the right thing? Seriously doubting myself now.
Sorry for the rant and thank you for reading all this if you made it this far