Hi everyone! havent been on here much the past couple of weeks. You know how it is. Well im 35 weeks on thursday, was told last wednesday at my 34 week midwife appointment that baby is engaged. I informed her i was having pelvic and hip pain on and off the past few days, and she confirmed hes getting ready. It was also my first appointment since being diagnosed with gestational diabetes, she was happy at how ive been managing my blood sugars since finding out.
I also had a hospital appointment on monday with the diabetic team, and i also got squeezed in for a scan that day too to see how baby has grown in the past couple of weeks. He seems to be getting more in proportion now, where as two weeks ago, his abdominal circumference was measuring large. They also checked the blood vessels in his head and the blood flow of the umbilical cord, which was all fine. They asked if i understood the risks in having gestational diabetes, and also if i fully understood it, which i think i demonstrated that i did understand. I have had two high readings with my blood sugar since testing, but i knew why those readings were high, and ive learned from that. Its amazing what a white roll can do!
I know that the risk of stillbirth is higher with gestational diabetes, which does worry me, but trying not to stress. I was told i would be induced a week or two before my due date to reduce this risk, they said it was safer for baby. Which is good, as i get to meet my little man sooner, but in two weeks time, i will most likely be given a date to be induced. I guess its good knowing when its going to happen, as most women dont get this sort of control, but in a way, not knowing has its own bonuses too. Ive also heard that induction hurts more.....which makes sence i guess as ur body is being forced into labor. I guess im just a bit apprehensive about it.
Well at 34+4 (this past monday) baby was estimated at being 5ibs 11oz. So hes most probably going to be a little bruiser i also noticed at the weekend that ive finally been hit with stretchmarks. They dont bother me, they are on my sides, and arent too dark yet, almost looks like leopard print lol. Bump is still flawless atm but i doubt that will last.
My man has been working so hard recently, up at 5am for work, then when he is done working, he is ferrying around his grandmother or mother or helping out his little boy and his ex with whatever it is they need help with. It doesnt bother me that he helps out his ex and son, of course not, why would it? He has a responsibility! (one of the reasons i knew i wanted to have children with him is knowing he would always be there from seeing him with his first born) but its getting to the point now where if he doesnt say something to everyone else who expects him to drop everything for them, then im going to. Its his dad, grandmother and mother. He does so much for all three which i cant really knock as they r his family, but its everyday. He has things to do here, at home, as I cant do everything and these things i cant physically do anyway. If i could i would, just to give him a break. But none of them seem to realise we are having a baby very very soon, and his grandmother almost has the attitude of 'back in my day...' bla bla bla. and everyone treats him like a taxi. I feel bad for him. And i feel frustrated as these things that he needs to do, have been waiting to be done for aaaages, but they keep getting put off as other things keep taking priority. We have argued about it, as i 'nag' that these things arent done and keep getting put off, and he seems to put everyone else first. But he really doesnt have any free time. He doesnt have any time to himself and i feel bad for him. Tonight he was feeling a bit ill and dizzy, because he has hardly slept in days, im worried hes gonna be fried out before baby even arrives. One thing im happy about is he is atleast having a fishing day with some friends tomorrow, he loves his fishing but even that has taken a back seat recently. Its his 'me time'! Even his family have had a moan about him doing this fishing day. I just cant believe it. He obviously needs this. he was in bed by 9:45 tonight, not like him. I hope hes feeling ok tomorrow as hes been suffering with headaches the past few days and was feeling dizzy tonight and was looking a bit pale. He cant really say no to his grandmother as she is an elderly woman, and his mother is disabled, i just wish they would cut him some slack and think "well maybe he should spend some time at home before baby arrives". Ive already decided that if this continues after baby arrives, im saying something. I was told today that his uncle (his mothers brother/grandmothers son) even said to his mother that she cant rely on my man as much as she does and apparently she just bit his head off. Of course i want us both to help her with whatever she needs help with, but we also have to help ourselves. My man goes round there every morning when hes working (hes a delivery driver) to have a coffee, and see how she is. He reports it back to his mother, but she isnt here all the time, she only gets half the picture. I just feel they all rely on him too much. I want to be able to rely on him, and i should be able to.
Wow, that was a rant and a half, must of needed it! Sorry people, didnt actually realise that all this bothered me this much! If anyone actually gets all the way through this post, well done, u have my respect lol! Seems im worrying more about the OH atm, than the birth. Hopefully everything will work itself out in the end.... *fingers crossed*