My poor LO has got red itchy eczema all over her chest, belly, back, neck & shoulders. I went to the GP who prescribed diprobase & hydrocortisone cream. Been using the diprobase 4 times a day but it barely keeps it from getting worse, doesn't seem to bemaking it any better. The hydrocortisone cream worked while I was using it but I had to stop after 7 days & then the eczema came back. Also she used to love baby massage with olive oil but now she cries & cries any time I try to put on any kind of moisturizer whether it's diprobase or olive oil. Has anyone else had this & did u find anything that worked?
Any tips for babies with eczema? - Pregnancy and Par...
Any tips for babies with eczema?

My son has it on his face, I've found E45 cream or zerocream best. Soaks in quickly, non greasy and doesn't seem to sting either as others we tried he screamed as soon as it went on! Maybe ask your gp for some oilatum junior for his bath too as that's very good for eczema x
I have used Eucerin 10% urea for myself. I'm not sure it is safe on babies, but it works very well and I think it has less side effects than hydrocortisone.
Hi my lo has had eczema recently and I found e45 fed it and made it worse so I tried bepanthen nappy ointment and it's worked brilliantly !!! The gp even said its more gentle to the skin than any steroid based cream he would prescribe so to continue using it and his eczema has gone completely
worth a try took a day or too to notice the difference and now his face is lovely and clear xx
Hi I went to the doctors last week as my LO started to get the patches on the chest arms and legs. They prescribed him some doublebased gel to massage on him when we need to and oilatum for bath times. So far it seems to be working x
I sell a product that has shown awesome results with healing up eczema. If you have never heard of Arbonne, Swiss botanically-based beauty products, I would highly recommend it. Many of their face care lines help people with acne, rosacea, broken capillaries and facial dryness, oiliness and redness. Their SeaSource Detox body gelee (best for eczema), and the 5-in-1 massage oil (for eczema and psoriasis), have both been VERY successful in eliminating eczema overnight (or within a couple of days) in many people. This is one reason I became a consultant for Arbonne, besides the fact that our products are vegan-certified, gluten-free, GMO-free and not tested on animals.
Arbonne's products are hypoallergenic, dermatologist tested and are also free of: parabens, mineral oils, petrolatum, phthlalates, sulfates, animal by-products/fillers, chemical fragrances/dyes, etc.
I recently gave my neighbor a sample of the body gelee to use on her grandbaby's eczema on her legs, and she said it cleared up in 2 days. And my Arbonne sponsor said it cleared hers up overnight.
I hate to sound like a "spammer," but you need a consultant to get these products at the discounted price. I can help you if you are interested. I don't rave about these products just to sell them, I sell them because they are the best products I've ever used in my lifetime and I’m so psyched to tell others about them. I hate seeing people with skin care issues, and spinning their wheels (and spending all of their money!) trying to figure out the best product for them.
If you are interested in hearing more about Arbonne’s products, please reply. I am not opposed to sending out samples for free, should you really be interested in trying them!
God bless,
Hello Karen
My son is suffering from eczema since last year. We tried anything we could but nothing seems to help him. I would like to try your arbonne's products.
Can you if it's ok for send me a sample of them.
God bless you too
hi, would love to try some free samples my grandaughter has bad eczema and have tried lots but all seem to be feeding it! We going to pay private to see someone its that bad. Many thanks.
This was from 7 years ago I they might not use this website any more. Arbonne is available online, but it's essentially a multi level marketing, pyramid type scheme. You use the products then they try and get you to sell the products, you have to invest a lot to buy the products to promote them and you are very unlikely to get back your returns 😁
My daughter had a weeping blistery patch of eczema for most of her first year and like Charlotte I found that E45 and and aqueous type cream fed it. Then my cousin recommended Aveeno which is oatmeal based and it worked wonders in no time. I don't think it is quite so effective with dry eczema but I still use it myself as I have had dry skin problems since first pregnancy onwards - I like the fact that it is non greasy and doesn't smell revolting!
I suffer from psoriasis and my aunty gave me some of her Epaderm to try (she had it more severely) ; it cleared up my skin in days. I asked my doctor for it and he was sceptical as it's 'just a moisturiser' but I told him it had worked for me so he prescribed it. That was 8 years ago and since then, I've only ever had a few small patches of it which, when the Epaderm is applied, goes!
I realise that psoriasis and eczema are not the same, but they are both dry skin conditions and Epaderm is recommended first and foremost for eczema. You can get an emollient (which I have) but it's quite thick (some people are put of by that) and melts into your skin when it's applied (due to body temperature) or a cream. It has no fragrances, colourings or additives and most importantly, it is not a steroid. It can also be used in the bath as a cleanser (although I've not used it that way).
It works for me. Brilliantly.
Now I just need to find a suitable product that works just as well on my scalp (it cleared up while I was pregnant but is flaring up again now boo)
Hi, my son who's now 8 has suffered with eczema since day 1 he has been prescribed a whole variation of creams by the gp which eventually do work when you find the right 1 that is! Anyway I put oilatum in his baths as and when now but almost every1 when he was younger, used the soaps, shampoos etc and changed my washing stuff to fairy non bio all the time. You can get the oilatum products on prescription. He also has epaderm which can literally be used all the time as well as the stronger steroid based creams. It's also worth asking for an allergies test pet hair, foods etc could trigger it.
My little one has eczema on his face. Doc prescribed steroid cream which cleared it but it came back. I went back to doc who said to use the steroid cream once a week just to keep it at bay. She said it was very low concentrate and would be ok.