This has felt like the longest coming up 5 weeks I’ve ever felt!!
So there’s been difficulties with my LO since birth in regards to trapped wind, not latching, spitting up, non stop crying, crying on the bottle etc. We’ve been to the GP and was advised comfort milk so tried it. Kind of worked. Went back and prescribed Aptamil Pepti 1. Within 24 hours I was back at the drs as she was horrific on that formula and dr advised to go back to comfort.
That evening I had a lightbulb moment and thought I’ll try her on new bottles (Dr Brown) and go back to her normal formula as she was a bit older now. And it all worked amazing!! She had a good nights sleep and was a different baby.
However since Friday she’s been quite bad again. No spitting up and can’t hear the wind in her belly. But she’s been super unsettled and cries constantly on the bottle. It takes over an hour to feed her now.
Today she got a bit worse! She was crying on the bottle and wouldn’t take any milk at all. I looked in her mouth and seen white spots and according to google, it’s Epstein’s Pearls but they apparently aren’t painful 🤷🏼♀️ I was thinking maybe tongue tie 🤷🏼♀️ She’s also come out in spots all over her face since Friday!
I’m a FTM and I’m at a bit of a loss about what to do or try now 😒