Rant and moan - feeling like the wors... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Rant and moan - feeling like the worst wife ever.

deemuir profile image
3 Replies

Hi all,

just need to get this off my chest and well this is probably the best place to do it. I was due yesterday and never expected baby to arrive on time and getting very annoyed at all the messages people who mean well keep sending me asking if baby is in its way etc. Its the close family and friends that are really annoying do they think I would forget to tell them if I had the baby.

Anyway thats not why I feel like the worst wife. My husband has been off work since October with bells palsy stopping him from being able to blink so he can't drive or work in a hospital with air conditioning and infections flying around. I know its not his fault and he would love to be back at work and driving but since I've been on mat leave (now my 3rd week) he is doing my head in. He's around all the time watching some crap or other on tv cause he's bored. Not getting up till the afternoon and not noticing cleaning to be done until I start doing it then he will take over. If he wants to go out I have to take him as there isn't anything within walking distance. And apart from krep pointing out the bits of diy he could do I've run out of ideas to keep him busy. I no once the baby arrives we will have wished we spent longer enjoying each others company but at the moment I need at bit of me time. I know its no picnic for him either.

sorry its so long and moanie but better out than in isn't it.

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3 Replies


Your emotions are completely normal so don't consider yourself as being a bad wife.

It something like a mixture of your pregnancy hormones plus the fatigue of not sleeping very well which makes you feel pee'd off.

Men are also very strange creatures & most of the time just need a good kick up the behind to do things around the house.

Has your husband managed to see his g.p about his condition? Although ive never actually heard of this condition could it be contagious ? as he may be feeling worried for when the baby arrives.

I'm guessing you don't have very long to go so take it easy & I'm sure you'll be fine.


deemuir profile image

Thanks. I decided to take him out for lunch so we could both get out for a bit. Since he's been off he has managed to do quite a lot around the house diy wise as we only moved in a few months ago which is also why I feel bad cause I no up till now he has tried to keep busy.

Bells palsy is when for some unknown reason but usually a virus causes half your face to be paralysed, he has adapted much better than I would have with relearning how to talk and eat with half the mouth not working and has started to make a huge improvement hes under the hospital now hopefully he'll be able to drive soon and go back to work.

Thanks again I think I just needed to get it off my chest and have a good moan.

Hope you are doing well.

Hey. It really doesn't make you a bad wife. Trust me, sometimes when my boyfriend is off work, as much as I start off happy he's home, he quickly starts irritating me when he's a bit too relaxed and getting under my feet lol. At the mo, you are probably more on edge because of hormones so you need to give both of you a break. Its absolutely reasonable to want time to yourself too. The lunch sounded like a very nice idea :-) x

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