I am so scared that just writing the title to this has me in tears yet again. Such a rollercoaster at the moment after the early bleed and early scans, second which did show a fetus and heartbeat, I am a total mess.
Got my scan today and have spent the last few days worrying myself silly....have been trying not too but has taken us so long to get pregnant this time round and kind of feel its a last chance for us. I have decided against the nuchal fold testing as personally wouldn't go on to have an amnio even if I was in the high risk category so would just worry even more for the next six months. So all today is to check all looks ok, and to date me. Still have totally irrational worries....what if baby only has one arm, or no legs, or is a lot smaller than it should be, or no heartbeat?????? I know worrying wont get me anywhere and am so tired through very little sleep for last few nights that probably makes me even more irrational.
I also have my first appointment with my obstetrician which again has me worried, she is the same one I had 13 yrs ago for my first baby and then again 9 yrs ago for my third baby I asked for her and my Dr agreed even though it means I have to go to a hosp a bit further away than my closest hosp. I know she is lovely and delt with my cholestasis really well last time around but this is the first time the cholestasis has started so early on and still don't really know all the implications of early onset. Lots of questions for her still need to write a list.
Sorry for the ramble think I needed to get all that off my chest, hopefully will be able to post good news later and then this will all seem so silly. Thanks for listening xxxx