12 Week Scan TODAY! :) : Hi everyone... - Pregnancy and Par...

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12 Week Scan TODAY! :)

Genine profile image
16 Replies

Hi everyone,

I had my 12 week scan today. I had an early scan at 7 weeks and the sonographer told me baby was only 5 or 6 weeks along then. I thought she was wrong because I know the way my body has it's weird cycles. Anyway I'm technically 12+ 5 today and the guy doing the scan said I'd be nearer to 10 and a half going on the last scan and I told him I worked out I should be 12 on the dot. Which I am! haha, take that doctors, mummy knows best.

Little one is looking totally healthy and he/she wouldnt sit still. Had to shake him/her around for 5 minutes before LO would stop dancing. Was sitting upright at one point just to be awkward. It was great to see a real little face and even got hits of a footprint and handprint on the picture.

We still havent told our parents or friends yet and cant for another week because mine go away on holiday today so I had to spill on here to share my excitement!

Got the next one day after boxing day so a nice little christmas present to find out the sex :)


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Genine profile image
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16 Replies

Hi Genine,

Congratulations! I'm so desperate to tell my friends and rest of the family, so I know how you feel. I can't wait to have a scan and see a midwife - I'm about 8 weeks I think!

Genine profile image

congratulations! 4 weeks till the scan seems like ages but i've found its gone so quick already. None of my clothes fit any more so I think its only a matter of time before I'll have to tell everyone! I have a feeling this baby is going to make me in to a mountain! you get to see your midwife soon, thats a nice one, my midwife is lovely and answered all my questions patiently. is this your first?

Yeah, it is my first - and although I've posted on here before, I'm full of questions and can't wait to speak to a midwife!

I've got my first appointment in two weeks, which is the soonest I could get.

My clothes feel a little more snug, but it's only noticeable to my boyfriend and me. Give it a few weeks....!

Is this your first?

Genine profile image

dont worry it'll go quick enough and everyone on here is really great at answering questions and setting your mind at rest! yes, my first too. was a bit of a surprise as I was told previously I probably wouldnt be able to conceive without fertility help but here he or she is! I'm a bit nervous about telling people because it'll be quite unexpected and not the best timing in the world but these things never are..!

in reply to Genine

It was the same with me and my partner - he was convinced that he couldn't have children (and he's a bit older than me, too), so I was starting to accept that I might never be a parent. Then...well, it was the best surprise! Although, I was so convinced I wasn't pregnant, I did the test at work....I took the afternoon off, after that!!

Megzey profile image

I don't know how you can keep it in, we couldn't keep it to ourselves on all of my pregnancies. It is so exciting.

in reply to Megzey

I'm desperate to tell people, if only to provide an explanation as to why I'm so unsociable and tired all the time!

lou42 profile image

Aah congratulations! 12 week scan time v surreal as is starting to tell people, I found it quite tiring and found I could only do about 3 a day! Poor you having to sit on it for another week. Seemed like an age between each scan but gradually the weeks tick off!

Hope you both are feeling ok on it and not too sick xx

Genine profile image

I'm keen to tell but I'm also enjoying having him/her all to myself. As soon as we tell I know I'm going to get a million questions and endless advice (wanted or unwanted!) so for another week I dont mind having our little secret all to myself (and other half but we both ignore him anyway...!)

Genine profile image

thanks lou42. I've been quite lucky and not really suffered with symptoms apart from tiredness and increased sense of smell. I'm savouring every part of the pregnancy before the real scary bit!! It can take it's time and get good and grown as far as I'm concerned!! only just got used to the thought that something is in my tummy! xx

Vixstix33 profile image

Hi Genine , I had my scan last week and have been told I'm 13 weeks we told everyone last week as we are now stupidly excited. It's been tiring tho telling everyone although we've had such support from friends and family.xx

Congratulations! You're right timing is never quite as you want, you're also right about knowing your own dates. My first came on my due date not the scan date, which was 4 days later than the scan dated us.

You say, "before the scary bit". If you're worried about giving birth (I was) do a hypnobirthing course, fills you with confidence that you can do it and it's not scary. If you mean when you've got the baby, you'll be so busy you won't have time to be scared about what you're doing!

As you say mummy knows best, trust your instincts. If you're on Facebook, there's a brilliant page called babywisdomuk, loads of great posts reminding you of how fab a mummy you are and very supportive if you've got any questions - it was set up by a health visitor (who was also my hypnobirthing teacher) and some of her friends. Enjoy! X

firefly_ profile image

Amazing :) I'm going for my scan next week, the docs think I'm 12 this weekend but I think I'm only 8 or 9 weeks along - can't wait to find out :) I've told my close family and friends and I'm leaving work this week so I'm going to tell them too :) Everyone's been really supportive and when I get tired or feel off, they understand xx

Genine profile image

Winnie258 - I'm not too worried about the actual labour (although I confess I havent let myself dwell on it too much) but I know I want a water birth and I want it to be very calm and on minimal drugs. I've thought about hypnotherapy as its worked for me in the past on other things so I will definitely look into that, thanks. No, the scary bit is being responsible for another little life! I'm ridiculously excited about having him or her with me but I'm also happy to have them safely tucked up in my womb for as long as they fancy! I'm certainly not wishing the next 6 months away as I know how quickly its going to go and there's SO much to sort out!!

Good luck with your scan firefly xx

missmancs29 profile image

Congratulations x. We found out quite early on and it seemed an age in between the two scans but I'm 36weeks on thursday and it now feels like its flown by! Pregnancy also came as a surprise to us. I have pcos with various complications and was told it would be very difficult to concieve without assistance. Also I was actually on the mini pill at the time but it wasn't agreeing with me. Enjoy your special secret amd congratulations again x.

Genine profile image

Thanks missmancs29, thats exactly what I have and was told by doctors too. My midwife said she hears this all the time and wishes doctors would stop telling women this! x

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