I'm approx 6 weeks and feeling sick on and off all the day, aswell as being constantly exhausted. I know it's a normal symptom but it couldn't be happening at a worst time. Got a job interview at 2 and I haven't got any motivation to go. I'm just wondering - is it best to rest and take it easy at this time or suck it up and get on with it? haha x
Nausea and exhaustion : I'm approx... - Pregnancy and Par...
Nausea and exhaustion

you have my full sympathy! I didn't have any nausea with my first pregnancy but suffered horribly this time - made extra unfun with a 2.5 year to look after! Try to listen to your body and rest as much as you can - your body is working so hard at the moment! Obviously a bit of getting on with it is required but don't be too hard on yourself. Eating little and often should help keep the sickness at bay.
Good luck with the interview
It's awful. Right there with you. I find that snacking although you may not feel like it helps, potato cakes, almonds (don't know the rules on nuts) and cereal bars are my help. Waist line not approving though!
Rest up too, I work some crazy shifts so this is hard for me but went to bed at 7 the other day and it was wonderful.
I am 9 weeks pregnant and the tiredness and sickness are horrendous again(have been with all my pregnancies) I am resting all the time...not able to do much else even if I wanted too. The more I do definitely makes the sickness worse. Way I look at it if my body is telling me to sleep then better do as I am told. I still have to do the "have to dos" each day but am ignoring the not so important stuff so I can get my rest. I would just say listen to your body....got to work through it to an extent but not to the point of total exhaustion. Good luck xxx
wear the sea-bands from boots and get on with your life
I had my most challenging professional hazard (so far the tuffest one) during my first trimester - So there was no way i could have given up to sickness - Seabands were God sent for me !
Good luck ! xx
I agree with bumpnumber4: work out what's important and what can be left. Work usually has to happen, but the world's not going to end if you don't hoover your floors for a few weeks. I managed to get through some really tough work days by realising that's all I was going to be able to do that day. Good luck!
I have felt exactly the same from 4 weeks to 10 weeks as well as needing snacks in the middle of the night, feeling light headed... the list goea on. I found out I was carrying triplets at 9 weeks! Now sadly only twins remain at 10+1 but it means I don't have to make the decision to terminate one due to unicornuate uterus. My symptoms are starting to get a little less. I snack all the time and already look 14 weeks gone. Good luck!
I sympathise fully! I'm 14 wks and still feel nauseas, it's been horrible! I am having a few better days recently though so really hope it will pass soon - I want to enjoy this elusive 'Great 2nd trimester!' I was feeling sick nearly all day every day at one point which is hard to take, I lost half a stone as couldn't eat - but it will get better xxxx
I was so totally drained at the start of my first pregnancy that I remember thinking 'Oh hell, what am I going to be like at the end!' but it was never anything like as bad again (even when I was really heavy) I know that that isn't the way for some people and they never get that magic time of feeling really well but I hope that you do before too long!