Last weekend I went for a walk which was about 3 times longer than my usual walk with the dog. I felt like I had run a marathon afterwards and couldn't do anything other than lie on the sofa. My legs felt like they'd really been through something and it took me 27 hours to feel back to normal. I'm a generally active person (I'm a hiking guide but I'm on maternity leave now) and I walk my dog 2-3 times a day. These last couple of weeks though my muscles feel so fatigued in my legs during a walk and even going up the stairs at home seems to take it out of me. Is this normal? I've got so much to do I don't know how I'm going to get it all done before the baby arrives if this carries on!
Physical exhaustion in muscles 33 wee... - Pregnancy and Par...
Physical exhaustion in muscles 33 weeks - is this normal?

Yes - having the same with sudden fatigue in general. I was doing fine, just a bit more out of breath on walks etc, and have been doing crazy work hours (several all-nighters in last few weeks), and managing to keep my energy up and then I hit 31 weeks and it was like my body just slowed. I've needed afternoon naps, I'm out of breath going up and down the stairs, finding walking the dog very tiring and uncomfortable... But then it seems to have coincided with a big bump growth spurt. I guess this the body's way of forcing us to slow down - assume it's normal but it's my first so I don't know.
It's my first as well, these new symptoms have just taken me by surprise though! I spoke to a friend yesterday who has 2 kids and she said this is normal and gave me some good advice: start prioritising what you want to do and do the most important thing first, that way if you don't have any energy left, at least you've done the most important thing. Think I'm going to leave the dog walks to my hubby at the weekend and crack on with other stuff so that I don't lose a entire weekend to post dog walk recovery! Good luck to you and your baby x
Some fatigue is normal, but if this had come on suddenly and is really severe, I would speak to your midwife and get checked over. I never felt that exhausted that I couldn't go for a walk or do gentle exercise. I even got married during my first pregnancy at 7 months pregnant and danced the night away, although it did take me 2 days to recover!
Might be worth checking you are not anaemic as that can make you feel tired and weak.
Have you tried a pelvic belt for walking?
I agree on the anemia thing too and that'd what it sounds like, mine felt like it had come out of nowhere too, I thought it was normal but my 28 weeks bloods came back when I was around 31 weeks and diagnosed me with anemia. I think it catches up with you during tbe 3rd trimester but at my worst I felt like I couldn't get up the stairs, I had a 4D scan at 31 weeks and my sister who is a nurse became quite concerned because it really took it out of me, with all the rolling around on the table to get the images. I was breathless and exhausted.
I dont think it's normal to be that fatigued and my guess is definitely anemia. You don't even have to be that anemic to be affected so if you were borderline at 28 weeks it wouldn't have flagged up. I was much more anemic after giving birth but once she was out it I'd no symptoms.
Thanks for your reply. I'm on prescribed iron tablets and have been taking them for about 2 weeks as my count was on the low side. I actually think that my fatigue has coincided with taking the tablets now that I think of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm still out walking the dog 3 x a day for 30-40 minutes each time, but I can just feel the tiredness in my muscles. Will check the side effects of my iron tablets when I get home because it could be related to them I suppose.
Sorry this reply is late but it could just be the anemia working on you rather than the tablets, it was certainly 4 weeks til I felt a bit better and my anemia symptoms really came out of nowhere, I felt fine at 28 weeks, the results came back when I was around 30 weeks and by that stage I could barely get around the house never mind walk the dog. I felt like a dead weight. The anemia did eventually improve but it wasn't til she was born that I actually felt truly better. The odd thing was I lost a lot of blood during delivery but I didn't even realise as I felt absolutely fine. I was much more anemic leaving hospital but once she was out the symptoms all disappeared. I hope since the last message that you are feeling a bit better. It was grim for a few weeks but it did get better.
I'm glad you felt better as soon as your baby was born! I saw a pregnancy physio yesterday and she reckoned it's probably all the extra fluid weight and poor circulation. Looking forward to my body and energy levels eventually getting back to normal after the birth! Hope you and your baby are both well x
Hi. Perhaps try two walks a day. It will take a while for your iron levels to increase so don’t push yourself and you likely don’t have the reserves so your body may be trying to tell you to take it a bit easier. You could try some gentle yoga/ pilates. The postural and spinal mobility exercises are good for helping thoracic mobility and therefore breathing.