I know i could give my baby some boiled water but is she not to young?she's only a week old
Any tips for constapating baby? - Pregnancy and Par...
Any tips for constapating baby?

Hi neska
The best thing you could do is try giving her just a bit of cooled, boiled water through a feeding bottle but also try gently massaging her tummy too as she's just a week old "gripe water" may be a Lil strong for her.
Thank you.i hate seeing her struggling.i thought she may be too young even for boiled water.i'll give it a try x
I was told by my HV that water was a big no no as it stops both breast milk and formula being absorbed.
A lot of babies have a relative lactose intolerance (I.e they grow out of it) and as such can't breakdown their milk and get colic and constipated. I found something called Colief a God send! It is quite expensive (nearly £12 a bottle), but you can get it on prescription. It's basically the lactase enzyme that babies don't make enough of. Thus is easily the most ingenious baby related thing I have come across so far!
I just read about water and not giving her that.i'll talk to midwife 2moro and see if she can get me Colief.i've tried massage but it doesnt help.she's feeding well so i really feel for her as i can only imagine how much pain she must be in..
Sam was the same at this point - horrible to sit and watch xx
Do you have a local chiropractor that has a good reputation and treats babies? they can treat from 3 days of age and its incredibly gentlle and highly successful. The average number of treatments a baby needs is 3 treatments. This can help release the muscle spasm and they will (should) discuss feeding and possible options, and possibly a nondairy enzyme to help the gut recover and shift any gunk (toxins) out in a very safe and harmless way for young babies. It is very important to seek medical advice (GP, health visitor) ASAP as you can probably see its very uncomfortable for babies. The majority of babies really enjoy this treatment as its very effective in most cases. The chiropractor may even inform you of a possible cause.