Can i really feel this especially when i can feel it from my bump to my hand.
Can i really feel my baby moving and ... - Pregnancy and Par...
Can i really feel my baby moving and doing real kicks 20wks. My baby is a big baby and ive been showing for 5 weeks now.

Yes def sounds like it to me amazing feeling isn't it x

yes, i went for my 20wk scan on friday and my midwife said i need to go back next week due to baby being really curled up and not moving much, and ive been worried every since but i was on anti-biotics and since ive come off them babies moved alot more, x
Aww lovely, my baby played up at 20wk scan too so know how worrying it is waiting for the next one. Definitely sounds like bubs moving-its an amazing feeling, enjoy it xxx
Aww thats a shame for him these babies like to be pesky lol practicing for when they arrive although mine arrived 6 weeks ago and he lovely- I am biased lol. Do you have any idea what gender may be? My husband missed our 2nd 20week scan and I got told sex so he missed out too but us mums usually get all the best bits firsts- smiles etc we cant help being fab lol xx
If he can't be there for the sexing ask the sonographer to write it down in a card for you and pick a special time to find out together. I have card with sex in at home but it has never begin opened. I didn't want to find out and my other half did so we did the card thing as sex of our baby is a mystery xx