What can I do, I feel very nervous.... Anyone that has same problem?
We are starting week 27 and feel that... - Pregnancy and Par...
We are starting week 27 and feel that my baby is moving a bit less. She gets crazy sometimes for 4or 5 days and sometimes she stays calm.

Don't worry, it's completely normal Im 27+2 and my wee one does this, hardly moves for two days and then just when I think right I'm going to phone midwife he starts doing blooming acrobatics!! But if anything worries you as my mum says if in doubt.. Call the midwife!! I've got a home Doppler system thing to, it's great if I'm a bit worried. But I'm the exact way, so I wouldn't worry too much, think these babies like to play games with us!xx
Thanks for your reply. We just got out of hospital and doctor said that her heart beat is fine but referred us to another hospital tomorrow. They believe that there might be something going on. I don't know what to think....
Just don't panic yourself unless told to do so I know it's hard but a relaxed you makes a relaxed baby
Guess what??. When we arrived at home after a tiring day with her not willing to move even being pushed by doctors, my wife just laid on the bed and she started to move, even responding to the light of a lantern energetically!!!! She made us cry of happiness. Now two hours later, she moved again after drinking ice water. Still tomorrow we'll assist the appointment at the special hospital to check and be more secure. We love her soooo much!!!!
Good luck tomorrow xx
These babies really do like to test us! That's really good, and good luck tomorrow
Hiya, I'm 29 weeks and I get this all the time.
She can be really busy for a few days then I can hardly feel her. But I think this depends which way she is laying. As a kick to the front I can feel very strongly but kicks to the back I hardly notice especially if I've had a busy day myself.
But if you are worried always go and get checked out, as its far better to go and everything be fine than not xx
How did the scan go??
They wanted us to go in the morning to Kings College because there they have all the equipment to deal with pregnancy and foetal development, but during the day we received a phone call from our hospital near our home giving as an appointment to be seen urgently and that a consultant from Kings College would come specially to visit my wife and check over my baby.
After few hours waiting to be seen due to an emergency, we were able to check on my baby. As per this last test, everything seems to be perfect and the heart beat was normal. We could see the baby moving as normal and even playing with her feet, she even changed her position from breach to upside down ready for birth.
Dr was very annoyed at yesterdays hospital staff, because not being able to asses a pregnant woman is very understandable to a certain point, but they shouldn't have said that there was something wrong going on my our baby. They should just have referred my wife to the specialist as they finally did and not give us scary and unfounded outcome....
At the end, everything is perfect and we have a lovely girl.
Thanks for your care...
Ah I'm exact same due date as your wife no I'm right up the top of Scotland! Glad to hear everything is well