I went to the toilet and noticed in my knickers was like a goey brown discharge then when I wipe there's blood on the tissue I don't have any cramp or anything what could it be??
5 weeks pregnant and bleeding - Pregnancy and Par...
5 weeks pregnant and bleeding

Best place to go is A&E and they can book you in for a scan at early pregnancy unit.i wouldn't ignore bleeding.x
Hi, I bled at 5 weeks too. Went to my GP who was rubbish and I left crying! But then my friend told me to call the early pregnancy unit who were brilliant and said they could book me in for an early scan at 6weeks. I'd call them as they were so great about it. From speaking to my friends a lot of us seemed to have bleeds at 5 weeks that sound exactly like yours. Good luck xx
Sounds to me like its spotting meaning the little one settling into the right position to grow I had it myself at 5 weeks now I'm 27 weeks don't worry too much if it gets worse contact a midwife or another go for a second opinion good luck
Definitely get it checked out either at A&E or a walk in centre as then they will refer you to the early pregnancy unit as a lot of early pregnancy units only take referrals from a doctor initially. Good luck and hope all is ok x
Hiya, I had bleeding at 6 weeks with my first, it was pink though. I rang my doctors and spoke over the phone and he booked me an appoinment with the EPU for a scan the following day. My baby was fine and we even seen him like a little bake bean.
They do say that brown in old blood not fresh. If it turns to fresh blood and alot of it (like having to change a pad 4 times a day) then go to A&E. You probs wont get a scan straight away but they will book you in for a few days. If it has eased off then I wouldn't worry about it and just keep a pad on and take it easy.
Hi, I would go straight to the EPU and get it checked out. Like Megzey says brown blood is old blood and its probably nothing to worry about however if it turns to red blood I would request a scan ASAP. Fingers crossed all is well, try not to worry too much and let us know how you get on xx
Thank you for the advice I rang the nhs direct and they said not to worry too much unless I start cramping really bad and passing clots of blood other than that said its usually normal and have to make an appointment to see the go on mondayx