Am 5weeks 6days pregnant and I starting having brown blood this morning and I am getting worried can any please advice me
Am 5 weeks 6days pregnant and bleeding - Pregnancy and Par...
Am 5 weeks 6days pregnant and bleeding

I had this and it was implantation bleeding. There is nothing this early on ur midwife or GP will do, or so I was told, bearing in mind it was 8 years ago. I was told to wait a week and take another test. If ur worried phone ur midwife for support xx
Thank you just before this about a year and half ago I had 2 miscarriages but it was just heavy red blood with clots nothing like this.....And I've just found out and havnt managed to tell anyone so I dont have a midwife at the moment and thank you for your reply xxx
I’m 8 weeks today. I had similar 2 days ago. I didn’t use a panty liner but I had similar when wiping. I called my EPU the next morning and they told me this is quite normal in early pregnancy and not to panic unless it’s really red, clotting and you have bad pains.
Sometimes people can heavy bleed and baby is still okay. I am going for a scan on Monday just to reassure me after my spotting on Thursday night. Mine stopped the next morning and all my pregnancy symptoms are still there and I am not to worried but I’m going to get a scan just incase this happens in the future it will put my mind at ease.
Definitely call your EPU if your worried but at this stage I wouldn’t worry to much xxxx 💗
Thank you so much I havnt long found out I was pregnant so noone knows at the moment but I will get in contact with my epu I havnt had any pregnant symptoms just took test few days ago and said I was pregnant I have a few cramps now and then but they dont hurt me gonna get checked out to be on the safe side but thank you for your reply hope everything goes well for you fingers crossed xxxxx💖

Cramping is normal. It’s a good sign means everything is moving around and adjusting. 😃 xxxx thank you ❤️ stay positive
Its badadvice to say crampingmeans everythings ok when thats not always the case.although if you feel nothing thats likely a chemical.but crampingdoesnt just mean pregnancys progressing
I think this comment is inappropriate and rude. I think it’s nice to give people as much hope as possible. I agree I am not a doctor and my diagnose is not always correct but I believe in giving people encouragement and some hope when they are frightened of what might happen to them. People give incorrect statements all the time on this forum it doesn’t make them bad people for giving incorrect advice. I give advice from my perspective and my experiences.
I’ve been having mild cramps and bleeding but it’s really confusing cause it goes from brown then pink then red then back to brown it’s kinda scary this is my first time I’m new to all of this and when it turns red there are small clots the size of skittles I talked to my doctor about it cause obviously clots are a little concerning I go in tomorrow to get blood work done again then Friday for a early ultrasound please pray for me 😣
I would get seen to be on the safe side, always get any bleeding checked. Could be implantation, but there is always the need for that to be confirmed as the cause x
Am gonna ring them today as it's got heavy and its turning red
I had this too at about 5 weeks, I’d call the early pregnancy unit and they will scan you when you’re about 6 weeks pregnant. All was ok for me I’m now 13 weeks pregnant, so try not to worry 😁
Thank you am gonna get checked as it has come on a little heavy and its come a bit red now xxx
I have a lot more hope now I’m 5 weeks having the same thing but the only thing that scares me is the skittle size clots but it’s a come and go thing plus the mild cramps I’m really nervous 😟 I just hope everything’s gonna be ok I go in tomorrow to get blood test done then Friday for a early ultrasound my doctor just wants to make sure everything looks good
Hi Colleen, I had light spotting around that time, was really scared it was a miscarriage, but was implantation bleeding which tends to happen around 6 weeks. Brown blood tends not to be old blood, I would contact the early pregnancy unit just so you can be reassured.
Good luck hope all is good.
Hi Colleen, I experienced this. It’s not always bad news, but unfortunately mine ended in a miscarriage about a week ago. It started off brown and then went red. When I called the EPU they told me just to keep holding off and retest again in 2 weeks. It’s normal if it only lasts a few hours or a day. Xxx
Hi sorry for your loss....Mine started of yesterday like the picture woke up this morning it's got a little heavy and got red now so am gonna walk down to my hospital and see what they say
Aw Colleen, I do hope it’s nothing to worry about. But your doing the right thing 😘 Cos just phoning there isn’t anything they can do. There should be a little bit more support if you pregnant and bleeding they really should see you, that’s my opinion tho. Going thru that at home was very traumatic and the only medical advice I got was take a test in 2 weeks!! Xxxx ps let us know your ok xx
I've had 2 miscarriages in the pass and it never started if with brown blood I just flooded my hole bathroom floor with am hoping it ain't nothing to bad but I will keep you all updated and thank you for your messages xxxxx
Just to let everyone know I walked into the hospital they said it could be a miscarriage and that I should take another test in 5 days as I have not lost any clots just brownis redish blood thanks for all your support xxxxx
Fingers crossed everything is fine Colleen 😘xxx
Thinking of you Colleen and I have everything crossed for you xx
Fingers crossed for you xx
Thinking of you Colleen. Everything crossed that all is ok for you xxxx
Thank you all so much for your kindness means alot.....I went and had a early scan yesterday they said they can see the baby sack but it's all blurry so they took my bloods to see what is happening I will keep you all updated but thank you all for your support xxxxx
Hi everyone just got a phone call from the early pregnancy ward they got my results back I AM PREGNANT am so over the moon got to got back for more bloods but thank you all for your support and comments will keep you all updated xxxxxx

Congratulations glad it was good news 😀

Congratulations 😊 xx
Hi the bleeding has stopped about 2 3 days ago didn't have any pain loose any clots as you know went to the hospital come back positive my hcg level was 375 they it dropped a little bit they then said it could be a miscarriage and sent me home I took a test this morning it's still saying pregnant but I can't get in to see anyone for 2 weeks can anyone help me on some advice please xxxxxx

Have you tried private? They can do a reassurance scan from 6 weeks to put your mind at rest xx
Yes I've tried I can't get in atm a there duly booked xxxx
If you’re 6 weeks plus I’d book a private scan, although your early pregnancy unit should be able to offer you this too
I can't get in at the moment
I kept on to the doctors and I finally spoke to a really nice doctor who told me all the stress and waiting wasn’t good for me and she managed to get me booked into the early pregnancy assessment unit. Try calling the early pregnancy assessment unit, see what they say. If they won’t see you get into your doctors again. I know it’s hard but try not to be stressed as that won’t be helping. Has the bleeding stopped, did you say? Xx
Thank you and yes the blood has stopped for about 5days now had no pain or nothing and I've done a few more test and there coming back positive xxx

Hi, please may I know how many days the bleeding lasted? I am currently having something similar and now on the third day of light bleeding.
I’m really happy to hear this xx