Please help. I am 22 years old and about 5 weeks pregnant. I had a miscarriage earlier in the year and am scared I am going to have another one. I have done a pregnancy test at home and it was positive but I have come on my period since then. I still have all the signs that I'm still pregnant but I'm bleeding. Been to the doctors and he didn't seem to concerned. I am awaiting a blood test at the doctors. Any ideas??? I'm really worried.

Hi when I was pregnant with all 4 of my children I went through the same things . I was lucky I never miscarried they put it down to low placenta and monitored me with scans checking that the placenta moved up before delievery .Im lucky to say I have 4 healthy children aged 11, 13, 24 and 27. With one of them I bleed until Iwas 18 weeks thought it was never going tostop. Hopefully you will be as lucky as me and hope this puts your mind at rest a little . Good luck hope it works out for you XX
I would get down to your local EPU. A scan should, at this early stage, show a sac. They may be able to tell why you're bleeding, eg you may have a haematoma. I know it's worrying although bleeding in early pregnancy is quite common. Fingers crossed it's different to last time.
Sorry, but showing a sac proves very little.
I was 7 weeks when I miscarried. I went to the EPU and they scanned me but could only see a sac, which meant I could be 5 weeks or I could be miscarrying. I ended up getting bloods done which showed normal hcg for 6-7 weeks pregnant, but 3 days later they had dropped way down (and proved miscarriage).
Unfortunately, even if they see a sac at 5 weeks it doesn't prove anything. Blood tests are better, one lot done then a repeat 2 or 3 days later which will either rise (double or more) to prove a viable pregnancy, or drop, to prove a miscarriage.
Because you 'already had a miscarriage I would push it.... insist on extra supervision, more regular scans etc... your age may be going against you as you are so young.... a previous miscarriage may not indicate any future problems, but I would still insist anyway.... try to rest up too, don't exert yourself more than you have to...... Best of luck!!!
Unfortunately, more scans have been linked to increase risk of miscarriage. And a scan can only tell you whether everything is OK at that moment in time (ie, there is no guarantee it will stay that way. A scan cannot prevent a problem arising later that day or week).
Added to that, before 23 weeks, even if a scan identifies a potential problem, there is usually very little that can be done.
Not meaning to be all doom & gloom, but regular scans really do not help and can actually cause more stress and worry in some cases.
Thanks for the responses. I am having a blood test done tomorrow. My gp is in constant contact with me. Xxx
Hope everything was OK.
Bad news unfortunately. Thanks for all the replies. Xxx