When I joined here I was 4 nearly 5 weeks pregnant but unfortunately on 30th april I had a natural miscarriage. However I am now 5 weeks pregnant And can't believe how quick I got caught again, although me And my bf are over the moon we are still quite weary incase I miscarry again.
Had a miscarriage on 30th april but p... - Pregnancy and Par...
Had a miscarriage on 30th april but pregnant again :-)

Wow that's amazing news, I bet you're so pleased! Yeah your body is really fertile afterwards. Well it's only natural that you're both very nervous and I know a lot of people on here feel very anxious once they've become pregnant after a mc. My friend gave me a piece of advice from someone who had to have counselling after losing a baby and that is, it doesn't matter how much you worry, it won't change the outcome so you might as well be positive about things. Easier said than done, I know! I've found that a really useful piece of advice especially when I faced difficult times in this pregnancy. Good luck, I have my fingers crossed for you. xx
Wow, congratulations 1st of all. Could it be possible the misscarrige could have been mis-diagonosed, as the weeks do seem very close together.
It wouldnt really matter too much, its seems like very happy & inviting news.
Take care of yourself.
I have had the exact same experience!! Early miscarriage at 5 weeks on 21st April and currently 6 weeks 2 days pregnant again!! I was very excited last time as first time pregnant- this time I have not allowed myself to think about it too much yet!! There is very little that you can do if you miscarry again so it's best not to worry about it and carry on as normal!! Can't wait for the first scan-then I'll be telling the world Good luck!!
Great news!
Congrats! I know the feeling as i had my 2nd miscarraige in april aswell, and im now 6 weeks and 2 days, so i know how you feel! Just try not to worry and my fingers are crossed for you, but im sure you'll be fine
Yeah I wondered if the miscarriage had been mis diagnosed but the amount of bleeding that I had And the fact that my hcg levels had dropped And not doubled kinda confirmed it. Its very exciting news And got everything crossed that this time everything goes to plan. Thank u all so much for kind words And advice xxx
Amazing congratulations, you will never loose the worry about your last mc but you are going to past the stage where it happened last time. Just take care of yourself. Wont be long and you will have your scan