I need some help or advice even reassurance, 6 months after giving birth and I think I am pregnant again I am so anxious and happy and feeling all these different emotions please has anyone been in this position and can help me or offer some support please. So many things are running around my head. I think I could only be about 5 weeks pregnant. Xx
6 months after giving birth and pregn... - Pregnancy and Par...
6 months after giving birth and pregnant again

Why dont you take a test so you know for sure?
I took a test i am pregnant i have took 3 now two cheapies and clearblue digital all came back pregnant.
Congratulations, I've had friends with babies close together, the kids are very close now. It was tough while they were little but they have a great bond when they're older. Best of luck xx
Hi i got pregnant as soon as 6 weeks after I have birth, it was a little hard but my 2 boys are like best friends now, they play together and everything
I'm 29 weeks pregnant and my first baby is nearly 16 months so there will be just less than 18 months between the two. I have to admit I was nervous at first but so many people have told me that it's great news and they should be very close growing up. I hadn't long gone back to work after maternity leave before finding out so I've decided to have a much shorter leave this time. Good luck and I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy.
I hope your pregnancy goes ok good luck. Thank you so much. How did work take to you going on maternity again ? Xx
To be honest they've been fine. I'm a secondary school teacher so we have mainly been doing remote learning during lockdown. I was back at work maybe 3/4 weeks before we had lockdown and i'd gone back part time but i've been doing full time work during all of this due to being short staffed. I didn't actually know I was pregnant for a while and my 1st is an Ivf baby so it was a surprise all round and I told work straight away. They've been lovely and very supportive.
Oh ok see I work in a school I am a learning support assistant. When would u advise me to tell my work? Oh wow bless you congratulations on both your babies. Xx
Thank you and congratulations on yours too I'm a bit of a traditionalist and go by the 3 month rule just to make sure there's no issues but with baby number 2 I didn't know I was pregnant until I was nearly 4 months gone and told school as soon as I knew. X
Thank you. Oh ok yeah I waited till I was 3 months last time aswell but wasnt sure if I should say earlier incase there not happy about it and I am worried about taking maternity again and then being really unhappy with me and then not really wanting me back at work I am such a over thinker. Xxx
Good luck to you, it’s gonna be hard work for your but the babies will be so close.xxx
Enjoy it mama!! I'd like to plan mine that close honestly if I had my way hehe. I'm sure you will be absolutely fine, instincts kick in and you become a soldier.
Wishing you many good wishes and a smooth journey !
My sister and I are 15 months apart. When we were little we’d fight terribly. But we are polar opposite, she’s the princess who rides horse and I’m the motor-cross racer. We are best friends now and thick as thieves. I’m currently expecting my 1st, and have pre warned my partner I’m jumping back on it at the earliest opportunity!!! 🤣🤣. My best mate has a little brother who is 8 months younger than she is. They are also in the same school year but not twins. He was also 3 months prem. From my experience I love having a big sis pretty much the same age. She is my best friend. Good luke.... it will certainly be a roller coaster/ juggling act.