It's been a little over a year ladies since I been on this site as I lost my first pregnancy aug 12 at 7 weeks fell pregnant again at Christmas lost second baby on Mother's Day 13 and a half weeks.well yesterday we found out we are pregnant again I don't know how to feel as don't want to get excited to have heart broken again.
Pregnant again and scared: It's been a... - Pregnancy and Par...
Pregnant again and scared

Hi Yogi
I know its easier said than to actually do!, But try not to over think about it at this time.
Unfortunately at times our bodies fail us & there's no reason for it happening but its very unfortunate especially during pregnancy.
Id like to say congratulations though & wait & see what happens by the end of next week as I don't think there's any point in notify your G.P at this time as he/she may just say come back next week for details.
Oh bless you and congratulations! have u seen ur g.p about previous miscarriages? Have they advised some aspirin? Sometimes it's as simple as taking aspirin but it must be a specific dose so u mustn't take it just on ur own....also take pregnacare as some vitamins a vital for fertility...I only know this by another lady being on here having poly cystic ovaries and miscarrying....she isn't on here anymore and she had a lovely healthy little boy hope, hope all goes well x
It is perfectly normal to feel like u do after suffering so many times before. Each pregnancy is different and ur chances for this one are just the same as a woman who has never had a miscarriage.
The paranoia doesnt go away, it seems. I only had 1 miscarriage and got pregnant a month afterwards. I've been so paranoid ever since and still have to pinch myself every so often just to let me know its all real. I'm 20weeks now with this one. Please dont lose hope, which i know is hard to do. Congrats on ur pregnancy and I'll keep everything crossable crossed for u xx
Gp been great booked in for a early scan on 24 sept on all my vitamins too she dated my pregnancy at 4 weeks 2 days so very early days.
Ps I wasn't very clear on my first post my pregnancy in aug was eptopic not a misscarrage and thank you all for your lovely replys I haven't even told anyone other than OH I'm pregnant xx
Ah great when u have a good g.p all the best look forward to seeing future posts x
I got everything cross for you and hope all goes well this time. x
Wishing you and your husband lots of luck this time round xx
Good luck and so hope all goes well for you this time. I am 8 wks at the mo and have had 2 miscarriages before, one which was a suspected ectopic but I miscarried before it was confirmed and the other was at about 7 and a half weeks. Still very early days for me too and still have the happy days then the days I worry so much its awful. Think I am trying to say I can totally understand the not wanting to get too excited but wanting too. Take care xxxx
When you due?? Will keep my fingers and everything I can crossed for you to xx
Due April last period puts me at 16th but then early scan I had put me back over a week which I don't understand really as that means I was only three weeks gone when I did the first positive pregnancy test? waiting for 12 week scan and will then go by that date. I will keep everything crossed for you too lets hope we both have happy outcomes this time round. Do you have any children yet or just the miscarriages? I have 3 children which makes this my 6th pregnancy xxxx
Also I know this may be tmi I am constantly going to the loo to check that's there's no bleeding I'm so paranoid as oh says this will be last chance for us as the stress and strain it's put on us as a couple had been horrendous been together 9 years xx
Not tmi...I am exactly the same....have to check for blood everytime I go to the loo.....trying not to be paranoid but not working that well. My miscarriages were along time ago but we have had problems trying to conceive so still cant believe it has really happened at last. I have a big age gap too my other children are 8, 10 and 12....we had decided no more but few years ago started to think differently. We had almost given up trying were just leaving it for a bit to see if anything has put a bit of a strain on us too. Fingers still crossed for you xxxx
Is it normal to have a dull ache right side lower back and front carnt remember feeling like this with other pregnany's.
I have had a lot of niggly pains this time round that I don't remember with my others. Midwife told me they were probably just muscular or as I have had C-sections in past could be where the scar tissue attatches inside and as uterus starts to grow this can cause pain. Would say if you are worried to get it checked though....better to be safe than sorry. Hope alls turns out ok let me know xxxx
tbh at 20+wks, I'm still doing it with every trip to the loo. Just cant seem to shake off the paranoia. Try not to think about it (hard i know) but the stress and worry are bad for baby. Just eat healthily, drink plenty of fluids and do your best for baby. really hope we have a post from u in 8/9months time telling us all what a beautiful bubs u have xx
I know exactly how you feel.. I lost my baby at 16 weeks and my second at 11 was heartbreaking so we left it nearly 3 years to the day
I joined this site when I became pregnant again to get advice and reassurance and its been brilliant for me.. my wee man is now 12 weeks
my advice would be to take it easy in the early stages, dont stress and when you feel worried I would always go to MAU for reassurance.. It will become a lot easier when you feel baby move
also buy Pregnacare plus tablets.. expensive but I still maintain they contributed to my 9lb bundle!! Wishing you all the love and luck xoxox
I have some experience of what you are feeling. I had a missed miscarriage back in March. I went for a scan at 9 weeks and found my baby had died at 6 weeks and had to have an op. I have just found out 3 hours ago that I am pregnant again. I think I am 3-4 weeks. Very nervous that it is going to happen again. It kind of taints the time when you feel you want to be happy. My brother and his wife are 13 weeks pregnant as well so it is all around me! I am crossing my fingers and praying that this pregnancy is successful. Congratulations! I will send positive thoughts your way! xx
Wish you luck too, I have a 6 week scan tomorrow and I'm terrified it will all go wrong again still don't know how to feel about this pregnacy yet still in a bit of shock I think.I have had lots of lovely people on this site wishing me well they will support you to keep in touch will post tomorrow after my scan xx