I am getting light cramps in my early pregnancy I would like to know if this is normal
why am I getting light cramps - Pregnancy and Par...
why am I getting light cramps

Yes I did like mild period pains,but they didn't last long...as your progesterone increases I think that stops the cramps, try not to be too concerned take it easy until it wears off x
I had this early pregnancy, it's your uterus adjusting to new hormones and of course baby growing! I would say by the second trimester I had hardly any cramps tall, now at 32 weeks 3 days I think it's more pubic pain!
See the doc if they are very painful and there is blood.
Am 4/5 weeks and getting a cramping to how far gone are you?
4/5 weeks same as you
For 3 days from the day my period was due I had what felt like mild period pain. 4 days on and I've still got it a little bit now but not as much, and not as bad. I've read it can be because of 'implantation' and your uterus muscles starting to stretch to get ready for the growth spurt !
yea I read the same so all sounds good! I lost my last week so gotta be careful
yea I read the same so all sounds good! I lost my last one so gotta be careful
yea I read the same so all sounds good! I lost my last one so gotta be careful
yea I read the same so all sounds good! I lost my last one so gotta be careful
Yes - I had period pain like cramps until I was about 10-11 weeks x