Hi. I’m pregnant with my 3rd and I’ve unsuccessfully breastfed my previous two. Everything seems to go absolutely fine to start with, my milk comes through, I’m unbelievably engorged and the baby latches well but then by about month 2 I dry up and there’s no explanation for it. I’m tempted to pay good money this time to have 1-1 with a lactation consultant but before I do that, can anyone help? Am I drinking enough? Is there anything I should be doing? I’d like to breastfeed until 6 months if possible. Thanks
Breastfeeding help, why am I drying up? - Pregnancy and Par...
Breastfeeding help, why am I drying up?

It probably is worth talking to a lactation consultant about your personal circumstances as they can probably provide much more personalised information.
At around month 2 your supply normally regulates so you don't tent to feel engorged as you're only making what baby needs /is asking for.
If your baby is getting wet dirty nappies and putting on weight then your supply might not be drying up just regulating.
It can feel if you've been getting engorged that you're not making enough and people then sometimes get into the top up trap with formula because the more formula you give, the less milk you make, the more formula you have to give.
There's some really good Facebook pages for breastfeeding support on UK breastfeeding, very knowledgeable mums who are very kind or Kelly mom or la leche league too for any more help.
Are you sure you are drying up? By 2 months you will be regulating and producing the right amount as said in the post above. You shouldn't feel too full anymore between feeds, which does feel quite odd. Other than drinking enough you need to make sure you are eating enough and resting enough. Body needs energy to make milk which is difficult if you are running around all the time. By resting I don't mean sleep just taking it easier, watch a film that sort of thing.
Thanks for your help! To be honest I’m not actually sure. I remember getting very upset because All of a sudden she’d head bang and get agitated at the breast, as if she wasn’t getting anything. That went on for about 3 days and I finally gave in and grabbed some formula. She guzzled it and then when I tried to put her back on the breast she might as well have said to me ‘get lost mum I’m not doing this’.
For you peace of mind I would speak to somebody because sometimes when it comes to breastfeeding there isn't much support. With my second baby I gave up after 5 weeks because I thought my milk dried up so switched to formula because he was feeding so often and I didn't feel engorged but I wasn't told this was normal and he was just cluster feeding and my milk was regulating. But my third baby is now 5 months old and he is still breastfeeding and I got more support on here and I did more research as well. I've been advised by people to have a drink and a snack while feeding or pumping and it helps with producing milk.
Hope this helps xx