Favourite places to go walking? - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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Favourite places to go walking?

83 Replies

Have you got a place that you really love to walk no matter how many times you have been?

Mine is the Mourne mountains in Northern Ireland, iv been going for 41 years and i love it. I cant get to them at the minute because of lockdown though but will as soon as i can.

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83 Replies

Looks spectacular Jimtom, a wonderful place to walk, spotted more views on this page: walkni.com/mourne-mountains... love walking in nature, love rocks too.

I found on you tube there are lots of virtual walks so I shall be checking those out too later. Thanks for sharing Jimtom :)

Have a great day.


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Those virtual walks look good :)

Enjoy your day too....

Hi that's nice I love walking only go round my park 5 minutes from my house can't go anywhere else yet there's a big lake I love walking round and lots of wildlife and a animal kingdom life would be grim without it 😊

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Sounds good, i have lakes close to my house too, but im bored with looking at them, if i do walk them its when its dark and i use a torch, it makes things look different.

Have a good day.. :)

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Oh a torch🤔I like the lake no matter what I like to watch the sky change and the effects on reflections and the swans I find it relaxing and the sun reflecting on it it's frozen now

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You dont like torches? lol

It does look nice with thee sun reflecting on it.

If you enjoy it thats the main thing and its close to your home, even better.. :)

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😁LOL our park closes at 4 to see it with a torch I'd have to climb over a big gate and I think I'd feel a bit inconspicuous sneeking round park with a torch lol so maby that's why 😁what kind of torch do you use lol 😁😁😁

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Be a rebel and do it lolIts just a pocket torch but is very powerful, its different seeing everything at night.

i like it :)

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I know what you mean I like it when it's turning dark and sunsetting I been street walking more lately I like it lit up I'll find one of London my friend on here bazzak 😁put on hang on

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I screenshotted his photo as I may paint it I paint in oil there's something special about it click to enlarge

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Thats good, would nice to see it painted, when will you do it?

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Not painted for ages I have no oil paints need to be in right fraime of mind too settled in my own home I'm living at mam's for time being my house has just come off the market having some work done on it then up for sale in may ☹️😊better time for selling and safer too my friend is getting her vaccine jab on Tuesday she's 56 same same i should get mine soon we work with special needs children but I left temporary until virus goes down I'd have to go back now to get jab straight away ☹️

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I lost my job because of the virus.. but ill just get on with life and not dwell on it.

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I used to draw but havent in a while, like you i need to be in the mood.

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That's so good I used to draw in pencil and pastel I did some good ones of pop stars my sister paints I'll just find her latest of her cat she's going to do pixie where was you working

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Worked for an auction house.

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Oh interesting we used to sell stuff at car boot sales and been to some auctions I've been selling stuff on Facebook I sold lot of my stuff out my house and my dad's stuff he died in June he was a horder had loads bikes sold then in summer a week before he died are your parents ok

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Car boot sales can be good fun and interesting. How many bikes did he have?

My parents are long gone.

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8 lol claud butler's old sorts fraimes too he used to bike many miles he was so fit then he got unfit when it snowed for weeks and he seized up then started falling and had a stroke he took himself off statins he died at 83 nearly 84

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Shame he didnt stick to the cycling.

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Yes exercise so good for the brain too he hid his slight dementia we didn't realise until later as didn't understand but the falling was the start of it and he used to shuffle are your parents ok I'll just find picture had to put phone on charge 😊

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No my parents died years ago.

Everyone should do a bit of exercise a few times per week.

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Sorry about your parents do you family

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Yes i have family.

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I only see mine at a distance when we pass we wave I'm fed up of it now tho winters horrible I need the sunlight I feel like hybernating but pixie gets me up lol he's a very demanding cat

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Hers a few there some in my posts but I've so many posts lol would take you forever to find

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They are really good, you should get painting again.. Im impressed!

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I need to feel settled in my mind like yiu know have to be in mood and the oil and turpentine linseed oil smells lol my mam used to paint too I want to paint pixie he's nearly 7 have you any pets

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No i dont have any pets.Whats your fave thing to paint?

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In oils sister's cat she's a arts n crafts teacher adult education she's not working now

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Its very good. !!

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Shall I show you mine there's a bunch of them in a photo I took if can find it my phone's full have to keep deleting stuff lol it shut me out a few times said no storage left 🤯

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Yes, go for it!

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Be nice to see more of yours have you any night shots 😊

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No ive no night shots of the lakes, but next time im there and its dark ill try to take some.

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😁watch you don't fall in lol it's muddy now at my lake very slippery I nearly fell in when taking low flying seagulls as a jogger came lol I have a annoyance towards joggers lol

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Good shot... leave the joggers alone lol

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Be nice to see more of yours lake and night shots whatever 😊

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Thats the mountains again, its the low side of them.

Have you ever been to mountains?

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Went to Austria and Scotland have a nice day I'll watch out for your picture posts 😊

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Pictures of what? :)

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Torch lol

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Remember what we were joking about on the food sight lol hope you won't be doing that when your out with your torch lol or wearing it 😁😁🤫

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What was that? lol

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🤫your favourite coat or was it a Mac you prefar 😁😁

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Oh right! lol

Lovely picture Jimtom.I live an hours drive from Dartmoor and because my daughter moved to Plymouth a few years ago we had been meeting there to go for walks. Sadly no longer possible so I walk locally. I live in a rural spot so plenty of nice walks but just a bit boring although I often bump (well not quite!) into other walkers.

Just met someone who had been stopped and fined by the police the other day - she'd gone shopping at the nearest town 10 miles away, then decided to go for a walk in the area. They still counted it as exercising away from home!

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Hi your not allowed to sit on park benches but people are but understandably if need to like my mam needs to have rest she doesn't hardly go out now I'm hoping to get out today well I am I'll go in park and throw some nuts to squirells I guess it's illegal to stop and feed out my hand 🤔have a nice day I've been on too long my eyes are going funny 🤯

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You have to be careful at the minute with where you walk.

Because of lockdown we are doing the same few walks and its a bit boring for us too... Have to wait until March for the lockdown to end too :(

Thanks!I love forests too, especially the smell of the trees.

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I've never been to a Forrest so I wouldn't know🤔😊

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Go to one someday.

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I'm off to park to feed squirells maby if can get to them see how many are in park have a nice day 😊

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Are you going out

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Not now.

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I need to burn cholestrol off so I can have flash fried chips for tea lol 😁

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Go jogging then lol

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Do you eat a lot of chips?

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About 3 times week I'm just on bazzaks joke post were having a jolly he's wrote some funny jokes it's not silly like the last post I told you to look at lol it's more understandable 😁🤔

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Do you not get sick of chips! lol

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No there healthy the way I do them not greasy I have home made or sometimes crinkle frozen what you having not sure I'm not hungry

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I had noodles, veg and chicken.

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Sorry just had to hoover mam's bed cat was on it she doesn't like him on it, were having cauliflower carrots jacket potato I'll post my tea on food site lol I will need cheese with it 😋

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sounds ok :)

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Did you make it from.scratch or ready meal the jackets are frozen there convenient im really tired today must get early night 😊🌝it's full moon tomorro do you like the night sky I like to take photos of it I'm just off now maby catch you a bit later 😊

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I made it from scratch..


I've been a few times with mam it was always really sunny saw loch Lomond I bought a pan pipes cd in the hotel 😊

springcross profile image

It's beautiful Jim. The place I used to love walking (when I used to go walking several years ago) was on Dartmoor, it's such a stunning landscape and very pretty too.

in reply to springcross

Have you got any photos, it would be nice to see the place?

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

Only on old photos (before the days of phones) which unfortunately are fading, although I don't know why as they have been put away for a long time so no light has gotten to them.

in reply to springcross

Some of my old photos are the same :)

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

Isn't it a shame, we have loads of the dogs we used to have swimming on Dartmoor and it's so upsetting because they are fading.

in reply to springcross

I wonder could you restore them or if you have the negatives could you get them printed again.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

Yes I do have the negatives and that's a good idea, thanks for that Jim.

in reply to springcross

Any time ...

in reply to springcross

Hi you could take photo of the photos and save on disc and have reprinted just a thought xx

in reply to springcross

Hi did you see the programme on ITV last week 'Cornwall and Devon Walks with Julia Bradbury' She walked from Hay Tor to other Tors including Hound Tor....looked wonderful.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

Hi waitingame. No I didn't see that but I will have a look on Catchup to see if it's there. I love Dartmoor, it's a special place I think. Thanks for telling me about it.

ddmagee1 profile image

Absolutely beautiful, and peaceful, Jim! Wish I could do likewise! Thanks for sharing!

in reply to ddmagee1

Thank you! :)

san_ray70 profile image

We have a local Nature reserve, but because of lock down, it is packed, so we stick to the streets, much safer. At least we have a field behind our house, we can watch people taking their dogs for walks.

in reply to san_ray70

Most places are packed, you are right to avoid them.

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