I just Cant find peace in my mind - Positive Wellbein...

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I just Cant find peace in my mind

sony_14 profile image
23 Replies

HEy! Everyone..

Typically I don't know where to start but ... I'm just feeling so lonely, sad, upset, depressed about nothing, or in other words, I cant find peace in my mind for a couple of days.

although i have some issues with my going life..but as far as I know they r not causing these problems,

Does anyone know why it can be?

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sony_14 profile image
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23 Replies

Hi. Some time, we’re what our hormones are. Get it checked. Best wishes.

Hi I think a lot of us feel like that now it's as everything's on hold and uncertain it's been going on so long and the news is often bad I'm watching it less again the time of year and lack of sun makes me feel tired and that doesn't help I have a luma lamp why don't you look up seasonal assotiated disorder have you somewhere safe you can have a good walk to or put something light hearted on TV or family friends you can ring take care and a hug from me and pixie xx

rosewine profile image

I think it is a cumulation of the weather, time of year, the pandemic etc. Several of my friends who have no problems in their lives krmillness have said they have felt like that on and off for weeks. Hopefully when the lighter nights come and fingers crossed the lockdown ceases we will all start to feel better. Be kind to yourself and try and find a distraction. Hope you will feel better soon.x

in reply to rosewine

That's what it is a series of petty things that have built up over time.

Small things that add up over time can be as damaging as serious events.

I do think this virus has a lot to answer for and it could be worry in the back of your mind without even realising it.

Maybe try some relaxation techniques and if that doesn't work speak to a health professional.

I hope you find something that works.


Marnie22 profile image

Hi. I would say that it would be good to consider that there could be several different things that might be happening. It could be one thing, or a combination of things. These are the issues you might like to consider:

1) Anxiety. There are lots of online resources that can help you to explore this issue to see if it applies to you. There are also many pages of advice and tips. The site


has a lot of useful info and exercises that can help. You can also look on YouTube for relaxation, mindfulness and hypnosis videos. There is some really good stuff available. For simple relaxation, take a look at Caroline McCready's YouTube channel. You could consider Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. This teaches you about your patterns of thought and helps you to learn different ways to deal with difficult thoughts and feelings.

2) Depression. Again, I would advise educating yourself on the topic. You can then decide if perhaps you might want to consider professional medical advice. If you do, I would say that if you decide on taking medication, it can be very helpful, (as it can be with anxiety,) but it will treat the symptoms, not the cause. If you want to treat the root cause, you might consider a form of talking therapy.

3) Please consider that the issues in your life that you briefly mentioned may be affecting you in a way that you are not consciously aware of. Do a bit of research into the role of the subconscious in human psychology.

Please keep in kind that if you can address the difficulties that you are having now, rather than trying to ignore them, you will be doing your future self a massive favour. It is so positive that you are reaching out for advice.

If I can help at all, please let me know.

I have personal experience of something similar and I have also worked in mental health and education.

Wishing you all the best and sending a hug.


Marnie22 profile image

Sorry to ask, but why do you think that Sony is very young to be thinking like this? I am confused by that. 🙂🌸

in reply to Marnie22

I think mydexter was looking at Sony’s photo

Marnie22 profile image
Marnie22 in reply to

I did realise his age. I just don't feel it is unusual for someone to have such problems at that age.

Marnie22 profile image


Hi sony_14. Sorry to hear that you are feeling so low in mood at the moment. Lots of us do in mid-winter and I think it's even more common this year when we are living such strange lives and don't have very much to lift us up in spirits.You didn't say exactly how long this has been going on, but it's important that, if it's been going on for a week or two, you speak to a doctor, because a persistent low mood can be classed as what's known as clinical depression. That's nothing to do with being fed up, or bored, or upset. It's a chemical imbalance in the brain which may need treatment. Doctors can diagnose this and there is help available to try to redress the balance so that you will hopefully feel better again. So don't let this make your life miserable for too long. Find out exactly what's going on.

Marnie22 profile image
Marnie22 in reply to

A good comment.I do also think it's very important to look into where the depression is coming from. Medication can be helpful with symptoms, but not with the root cause. There are certain things that lie at the heart of a third of all mental health issues and looking into these things can help enormously. 🙂🌸

Marnie22 profile image

I realise that. I just didn't understand why you mentioned about him being young. I don't see age as a thing in this sort of situation. That's why I said I was confused.

Marnie22 profile image

I see. In my experience, (both professionally and personally,) I have come across a lot of young people who have such difficulties, many of them still as young as primary school age. I saw a lot of it when I worked as a teacher in mainstream schools and also when I worked with young people with emotional and behavioural difficulties.It's very positive that he is recognizing that there is some kind of a problem and is trying to address it now.

I had my own difficulties when I was about five years younger than he is now.


Marnie22 profile image

Thanks. I didn't get the right help at the time, but I learned a lot. 🙂🌸

Becksagogo profile image

I think we all have days like this. You can't put your finger on the cause and it goes as quickly as it came. Try to relax and practice deep breathing. Leave the news off and listen to some music that you like instead. Spoil yourself with your favourite food or chocolate.I hope you are soon through this little dark patch x

Greenthorn profile image

I find a sunny day always lifts my spirits. Yes, we get rainy day, grey days, days when we don't want to do anything, but I remind myself that a sunny day will come and I will have a brighter perspective. You have lots of great and we'll meaning advice here. Lots of friends here.

Floxxy profile image

I'm sorry that you are feeling this way. It's great that you shared your feelings rather than keeping them to yourself. I think that we are all going through difficult times at the moment. It is totally understandable that you are feeling sad and anxious, we are living in very difficult times. Do you have friends or family that you can talk to about your feelings? We are a fab and supportive group so keep chatting with us and let us know how you are doing. Things will get better. Sending hugs to you. X

Skye333 profile image

Hi I find fresh air and meditation has totally lifted my mind. Lots of free meditation music on YouTube you just have find the right one for you. Don’t worry about the positions and mmm ing just sit/lie and enjoy. Its really good for the soul. Good luck 😊

HamishBoxer profile image

All things will pass.

recipes profile image

Hi, I know what you mean I feel different like maybe sad or lonesome and I think its because our life has changed so much with coved 19. I have taken my first vaccine shot waiting until time for second and that also puts a worry in my mind hoping this is the right thing to do. It is hard to feel happy and free. recipe

Sarahvit profile image

I had that same problem several years ago. I suffer from depression but prior to that it had always followed some kind of negative event. This time nothing happened. There were no major event that happened. Long story short my vitamin D level was low! It had always been normal before but this time it was low. Low vitamin D can cause depression. I would recommend seeing your doctor to get your vitamin D level checked. I had sought out a counselor also because I had waited several weeks hoping it would pass but it didn’t it just got worse with time. I already was on an antidepressant so they psychiatrist added abilify to my antidepressant but the key factor was low vitamin D levels so I was prescribed vitamin D 50,000u 2x wk and was on that dose for years. Just recently they cute it back to 1 a wk but with the winter months I kept it at 2 a wk. I let my doctor know that I was taking 2 a week until the days start getting longer. I would start with getting your vitamin D level check and go from there.

secrets22 profile image

hey sony.......i think we all go through stages of acute anxiety when we dont know whats caused it,and i think the way the world is now we are all finding our lives techy,i get moods of depression and for no apparent reason,but the mind is a complicated mechanism of which we know little.Just take a day at a time.

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