I would open a humane animal shelter where all animals never get euthanized and well taken care 😻 I would kidnap Brat Pitt for the weekend🤣🥰 and move to a private island where I can just meditate and drink coconut juice all day🤗🧘🏻♀️🕉
What would you do if you win lottery?... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
What would you do if you win lottery?😇 💸

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I would donate to Syrian refugees and other refugees that need water and clothing ❤️
Aweeeee❤️❤️❤️Anything else? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
🤣🤣🤣🤣 gotta waveeee👋 👋👋👋👋
I'd have a rescue centre for horses and donkeys, I sponser a donkey at present. I love animals.
Love your idea and a bit of Brad Pitt never hurt anyone LOL. xx💜💜
Love animals. Always bring joy to our world. Never hurt to have the eye candy 😉🥰. You shall have it in the very near future 🤣🤗❤️❤️xx

Got the eye candy sitting beside me! 😁 Have had for 25 years.
Lucky lady ❤️❤️❤️. I just want my eye candy for the weekend🤣🤣🤣🤣

😂😂😂😂😂 I had no intentions of keeping this one for more than a night!

😂😂😂 let me guess eye candy is Not candy that is shaped like a eye 😂 it means a attractive person 😂❤️
Animals are so giving. The eye candy, yes please 😉💜💜💜 xxx
Ya we are low on sugar some time you know 😉🤣❤️❤️❤️xxx
LOL xxx👍🌈💜💜💜
except maybe Brad Pitt Alicia..... 🤣🤣
Okay then Sue, a bit of Michael Buble' LOL 😂😂
Oh yeah Alicia.....!! 🤣👍
Most definitely 😉🤣👍
Me too, animal shelters everywhere!🙂
I'd start a charity for puppies/kittens and build cute little houses for them.
What is dis???🤣🤣🤣😂😂
I cant just admit to everyone that I'd blow it all on one big party🤷♂️
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you shall have it! A Big Party of One☝️
Most epic party ever!!! It would last a whole year
Will Party City fulfill your inquiries for your party?🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂wait for it, wait for it... I see the Big Bang theory is coming 🤣🤣🤣
Anything you can imagine. It will be there
Very abstract party i see. Any party favor?!
Lots of balloons, cakes, exotic birds, petting zoo's, gambling, dancing, games, etc...🤣🤣🤣
Nice🤗 and 🤔For some reason I’m thinking “the Wolf of Wall Street” movies. Great movie, watch it if u have a chance 🤗
I saw that a while ago, I liked it. I'd definitely have my own yacht at the party as well🤔🤣😎
That sounds like a party of a lifetime🤗 I sure hope you win lottery ticket and make it happen!!!!!! 🥳🎉🎈🎊
You could come too if you were well behaved
Sorry I have my own party........🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
O yea I forgot you are in your paradise 🤣🤣🤣
Run naked down my street and then pay for the therapy for everyone that had to witness it.
Very free thinker! That’s a forward movement. I love it ❤️❤️❤️

Yeah, sorry I couldn't think of a noble cause to support. 😋
Maybe I'll kidnap Jennifer Aniston too...
Don’t be sorry! I’m all about it! It’s my style 🤣🤗
does your island have another nearby? i'd want to indulge myself with some toys i spose....
i'd escape to my private island, and populate it only w/ animals.
then i'd visit the mainland... and i'd secretly/anonymously reward do-gooders.
maybe, if i had enough $ - i'd form my own government - and overthrow the existing one - create a government that's REALLY of, by, and FOR the people.
or is that too political in this landscape?
maybe i should just stay on my island.....
think i need to meditate...
im sorry to hear u go........im sorruy
I'd be really excited. But then I figure I'll just give it all away so people would stop hounding me
Aweee I sure hope you achieve your big dreams with or without winning the lottery ❤️
That sounds awesome! If you ever buy lottery ticket, I sure hope you win in a very near future 👍🤗
I stayed on an island like that once. It was my once in a lifetime holiday. I would buy Greenpeace a new ship. I would give a donation to Maytree Suicide Respite Centre who saved my life and changed it forever and I would buy a flat in London. 🙂🌸
That sounds fantastic! If you ever buy lottery ticket, I sure hope you win in a very near future🤗

Thank you. I did have a medical negligence suit going for my brain injury and I could have done some charitable stuff if it had been successful, but didn't happen. 🤔🌸
Can you reopen the case with different law firm?

No, it wasn't the solicitor's fault. The hospital that caused my brain injury admitted several breaches of care of duty, but we needed specific evidence to prove causation and we didn't have it. It's incredibly hard to prove that your injuries were caused by what the surgeon did. My case went on for nearly three years before it was closed. It's not justice because I lost my career, income and pension, whereas the surgeon carried on working and earning a big salary. 👎🌸
well.... $$$ = power; and power == control.
and this is why the saying "absolute power corrupts absolutely" - exists. it's truth.
is true if only a king rules.
and its true if 545 rules.
Very nice Luna, I’m down👍❤️
Buy a 32 seater bus and invite people from the anxiety and depression site .....go on tour around the states ....lots of l.s.d. .and ice creams....💊...🍦
That sounds groooovy ✌Hopefully I dont have a bad lsd trip though🤣🤣🤣

Love that movie🙂🙂🙂. That's exactly what it would be like too. Good times🤙
He yells at the guy for not steering the boat🤣🤣

I love that film .....I feel like I’m in it sometimes 😄
Same here bro. Dont we all? Lol
How come only men on that boat and no Karens 🤔
It was a men only mental institution
I see. Members Only. I’ll watch it tonight🤗
Frank from Always Sunny is in it🙂🙂🙂
How soon? I’m packing now 🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️
Yes luckily it’s on prime because Netflix doesn’t have it. I sure will enjoy it tonight 🤗👍
Not much better than that!
I'd donate a substantial sum to Cancer research and help out my family, so they don't struggle -hand to mouth survival.
That is so kind and sweet❤️I hope you will win the lottery in a very near future.🤗
Buy an island and a huge mansion with separate apartments for all the family
That’s awesome.❤️Hope you will win the lottery very soon🤗
I love all the day dreaming that is going on and of course I would definitely plan a holiday. The first thing I would do: stop buying Tesco value tissues and treat my nose and other areas to soft luxurious sensations! I've also got a list of all my favourite people who work so hard and deserve a break, so they would all be getting their mortgages paid off. In addition, I would love to help all the people who have been widowed through covid whilst they are still bringing up their families: there is such a lot of heartache out there.
That would be week 1. When I was fed up of being sensible, then I would redo my house, rent it out and go on a year holiday round the world!
Be well everyone in this crazy world we are living in!
That is very realistic, kind and sweet.❤️I hope you will win the lottery in near future.🤗
Nice, First I’d go into Hiding,with ALL the people who are Unemployed, they’ll for sure come looking for ME😆 feed ALL the people in the food lines. I know what it’s like to be hungry. Get professionals to help my brother with his 2 Autisic kids and bedridden wife, who still has to go to his full time job. He Needs a BREAK 😩🙏
😆 yes freedom for yourself and may you win the lottery to help your family. Everyone deserves a good break. ❤️🙏
I think I'd be happy to spend a goodly proportion on a financial guru to manage all of my money matters, so that I could just enjoy the rest, evermore untroubled by financial worries!
I like your planning Callendersgal, very wise❤️I hope you will win the lottery very soon🤗

Depends how much I won. My mega win was £30which I am sorry I announced as it was spent on a family Dominos pizza . Bang goes my diet and the actual bill was £38 !!!
Hope you win the lottery very soon for all the pizzas and everything your heart desires🤗
I would definitely make sure my parents were taken care of. I would take a trip first to somewhere where there is alot of history or just go where there is a good beach. Know of any?
I would definitely move to a warmer climate in US or any little warm country.
And whoever is with me in would make sure they were taken care of.
Oh and take more pictures.
Hawaii is always my go to beach when I want a quick getaway trip as I live in the US. That’s very sweet of you to care for your parents and the people you love in your life❤️Yes, the weather is great in US if you want to choose a warmer climate but not humid. I hope you will win the lottery in very near future to relax and enjoy your photography hobby🤗
Thank you for the tips.Also thank you for your sweet answer.❤
You’re welcomed ❤️🙏xxx
I hope you win the lottery and fulfill your dreams..❤
Aweee you are so kind and sweet. I hope we ALL win the lottery to fulfill our dreams ❤️🙏xxx
Haha very true!🤣

Buy a small house with some land, travel, and devote my time to developing my mind further.
That sounds wonderful Sir❤️I hope you will win the lottery in a very near future🤗

Well I'm hoping I've won big. Sooooo after I've done my world cruise I'd get a second home back in Yorkshire and a big chunk would go to st gemmas the hospice my mum spent 3 months in and eventually died in, they get majority of money in my will too.
That is very kind and sweet ❤️I hope you will win the lottery in very near future 🤗
Definitely give to family and friends, decorate the house and give the rest to charity. X
That sounds very sweet and fun❤️. I hope you will win the lottery in very near future🤗
Re visit the Caribbean. Go to Europe to see real snow. Adopt a special needs child too.
That’s awesome👍I hope you win the lottery soon 🤗
Buy 10-15 acres build me and wifey a beautiful custom home and houses for family too!
Aweee that sounds so sweet❤️ I hope you win the lottery in a very near future 🤗
I think my first purchases would be a (sensible) car for my son to give him some freedom. I would see if my hyperthyroid cat was strong enough for treatment to cure his health problems instead of just treating them. I would like to help some of my family and friends and I would buy myself a nice little bungalow with space for a craft room. I would love to have a front door all to myself and a little low maintenance garden where I could sit outside in the warmer weather. After that I would support some charities - hopefully there would be a way to do it anonymously so people don’t make a fuss.
Aweee you’re such a good mom ArctoLindy🥰 That is so kind and sweet. A nice, quite place with warm weather is always a plus. I hope you will win the lottery in a very near future 🤗🙏xxx
I did win the lottery. Twice. The first time I went to Australia alone and had a ball. I have lots of family so I went to see them just before I came home. The second time I went to Iceland alone and straight on to America. I just went where the wind blew me and stayed in the most luxurious hotels. Any money I had left over I gave to my family. I’m skint again but guess what, I’m happier this way. Con amore bx
Very nice Batteria 👍Living a life of fulfilling is everything ❤️xx
A house in the countryside with enough land to open an animal rescue centre. Also help to Great Ormand Street Hospital for children.
That sounds wonderful. I hope you’ll win lottery in very near future 🤗
I’d pay my darn bills then I’d buy a house hire a cook and maid and get a dog and get a good therapist and spiritual therapist to help me heal snd get well basically a house of healing. & I’d invite others to participate & once I got well I’d do my own cooking but keep the maid. I’d try to bring my parents closer to me.
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