Reminiscent the good old brunch time with friends in Malibu, our escape place from the city ❤️
Some day we will be able to get back ... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Some day we will be able to get back to this

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The food looks yummy 😋
Yessssss they are from Malibu Colony Farmer Market Place where they have everything prepared with organic stuffs. I miss my friends and our hike there 😂😂😂
That looks very special - the view, the food. Wonderful.
Thank you Narwhal10 ❤️ Yes that place is always special in my heart. Hope you have a wonderful day 😇🙏
Besides being able to see my family, this is what I miss the most- EATING OUT! 😄
Forget traveling and all that jazz. I want to go back to gossiping with the waitresses at my breakfast diner around the corner... I want to get Thai food and catch up with the sweet family who runs the place... I want to go to my taqueria and visit with the hostess who scowls at everyone else, but always blesses me with a smile... I miss the food and the people ❤️
Yessssss the Food and the People when you feel like you can share your stories with friends and even with strangers. It makes your day and someone else’s day 🤗 Now Don’t get me on the Thai food 🤣🤣😂 I want papaya salad. What’s for lunch? 😋
Exactly!! Ok, so since I mentioned Thai food (my favorite food ever, could eat it everyday), I'm craving That food... So I'm ordering Thai takeout 😂 Prawn spring rolls, Thai fried rice and Panang curry 💖💖💖
Sounds like a party 🎉 🎈 🥳
Yup! A party for one 🎉🎈😆🤘 lol Best kind of party because you don't have to clean up beforehand to impress anyone, there is still food, and if you pass out, no one is there to judge you 😂
Lol on that note: I don’t mind cooking, sharing food, or cleaning up after but I always got the same response: it’s okay honey, let’s order food instead 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Me too, Me too, CJasmin. Those times will come again and when they do, we will be even more appreciative of what gladness they bring to our lives!
And this- our annual holiday to Italy. I don't know why the pics come out on its side. Sorry 🙄🐰
Hi MadBunny, thank you for sharing your pic/memory. Now That drink looks extra delicious right now 🤣 😋. I always want to go to beautiful Italy. Hopefully everything will be in order soon 🤗🙏

Yes. My fave- Aperol spritz. They always serve it with nibbles. Some cafes just give you crisps- others a nice assortment. I never drink it back home as it's not the same without the sun and the atmosphere.
Love those nice assortment they include. It’s the city of love, lift up your spirit 😇❤️
Gorgeous! Hope you get back there soon xx
Thank you Leo ❤️ God Willing Soon 😇🙏
Looks gorgeous. Let's hope you get back there soon. Also, let's hope we can all get back to some sort of normality soon. All my love Lynne xxxx ❤️💜❤️💜
Hi Lynne, thank you for your love and support 🤗xxxx. Stay blessed ❤️🙏.
that food looks so good
Yessss 😋🤗
A lovely pic of what now seems like an alien scene from the past, but it's a great one to post and to hold on to GreatMindfulness. Nothing stays the same and I'm sure a brighter future awaits us soon.🙏
Thank you Callendersgal, yes with lots of Hope and Faith ❤️🙏xxx
if only LOL!!! i live in Pa. and we are shut down til at least january
😂 I’m from CA so we are on the same boat. Right now, we can’t even eat at outside patio restaurants. Everything shuts down.

it's just a bad scene all around businesses were just starting to open again and trying to make ends meet and now they are hit with this second wave i'm afraid small businesses aren't gonna make it this time
Yes it is very sad for small businesses when they already had a hard time competing even before the pandemic. Right now, they have some pop-up shops once in a while on the weekend that I try to support buying products from them.
Hello GreatMindfulness
Ok, I will have one of same plated food closest to the front edge of picture!
Hahahahah yesssss 😋🤗
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