Dear All,
My 'Title' says it all, yes the place might be a mess (your telling me), and I need new Batteries in a 'few' Christmas Bits. And (Never, Ever, Ever, start a sentence with a 'Conjunction') as I was saying... And I haven't even Arranged, or Secured, them correctly yet. But (never start a Sentence with 'this' either) I have put my Lovely Rope Lights up. I can have various Patens, using ALL the 'bulbs' or in pairs (Blue and Red & Green and Yellow). Or (another conjunction!), as I have they can be Fully On- or indeed Fully Off. I can Change them Manually, by crawling under the table- to reach the switch- or I can use the Remote Control... still working, from last year- erm I Wonder.... 'Crawl Under The Table, Or Us The REMOTE???'.
I'll put the 'Rest' up soon. Merry Christmas Everyone!