I put a post earlier no reply - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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I put a post earlier no reply

Roukaya profile image
18 Replies

I put up a post earlier but no one has answered

What is the point of having such a site if no one answers

Very disappointing

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Roukaya profile image
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18 Replies
Roukaya profile image

Good Morning

I realise that I need to be patient in waiting for a reply

To be it is the loneliness , isolation and coping with a demanding Mother

Too much time on my own as an only child

I realise may be I should consider Psychotherapy as I am finding it hard to cope with lock down and loneliness.

Marnie22 profile image
Marnie22 in reply to Roukaya

Hi. I am sorry I couldn't post a reply until now, I really do understand how desperate it can feel to be alone. I am very confused and unwell every morning for about two hours after waking, (due to my brain injury,) that's why I couldn't reply before.

I have had psychotherapy and I found it amazing, really positive and life changing. I would encourage you to look at dealing with your anxiety problems as well. I answered one of your recent posts with a short list of suggestions for how to approach this. If you want any more info on any of what I have posted, just let me know.

Sending a hug.


Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to Marnie22

Thank you for your reply and understanding

I am beginning to realise I struggle with loneliness and mental health issues so I will look into Psychotherapy

Thank you for having the time and understanding to answer

Marnie22 profile image
Marnie22 in reply to Roukaya


Hi Roukaya,

I'd ask that you just consider for a moment the hour at which you made your post. Jerry has already made that point. As moderators we specifically look for posts which appear to have been overlooked and try to offer a reply whenever possible, but we are volunteers and aren't around on the forum for 24 hours a day.

There are some tips on HU on how to write a post which will more easily engage others. Sometimes, if the poster focuses on the same topic, interest in engaging with it can become reduced, even though our lovely members are generally as supportive as possible.

I understand that you are going through a really hard time and may need extra support, but sadly it can't be offered instantly.

'The point' of this forum is to try to keep all of us more cheerful especially in this horrible situation, but as Jerry has already pointed out, patience is needed and a little understanding that sometimes no-one is here to actually give you an answer.

Take care and I hope that you feel less alone later today as the community becomes busier.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to

I think I had put the post up early

In my loneliness and anxiety this was put up

It is horrible to feel so alone and isolated with no one to turn to

The Islamic Priest has also ignored my message

Again my Mother asked me to contact him

I cannot be expected to solve Mums problems as she is far away from me

She did this to me a week before my Exam she had called me ten times over a tenant

She sorted the tenant out and I passed one abs failed one

In the end those who live alone with predisposed mental issues will find this lock down crippling

in reply to

That's what I thought myself perhaps people are still in bed at 7am or having breakfast or going to work.

When I feel upset and angry I leave the situation say like yesterday afternoon and go for a fast walk as I find walking is great for my mental state.

S11m profile image

I posted on an HU site run by a major ¿inter?national charity following a cardio appointment - and I have not had a reply - for a week!

If HU was even more international, we could have "shift duty moderators" in the USA and Australia?

in reply to S11m

An interesting point S11m. We are very lucky on PWB that one of our moderators is an American member, (Activity2014) so we are already lucky in having a goodly chunk of every 24 hours covered! 👍😊

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She's nice isn't she Activity 2004?

in reply to

She’s lovely catgirl1976! 👍👍😃

I got myself ever so upset when I heard the whispers about the Welsh local lockdowns as I had got my hopes up about restarting face to face socialising only to have that door slammed shut in my face!

With me it had felt like a right smack in the face hearing that!

TheDrivenSnow profile image

Good grief, Roukaya; I'm not sure which post it is you're alluding to, but this post of yours here is breathtakingly self-absorbed.

I am aware you are lonely, but so are many, many others.

I note you repeatedly bring up the fact that you are an only child: I'm an only child, too, and I look after my elderly mother without major family support (although she does receive four care calls a day to tend to her toileting/hygiene needs).

No doubt, there are others here in similar circumstances.

Our moderators are doubtless swamped with posts in the morning hours, while other forum members are beginning to get to grips with their day and are not necessarily always poised to immediately respond to posters.

Ordinarily, for instance, I wake up at around 11 a.m. - sometimes at noon - depending on the kind of night I've had, and by the time I'm showered and dressed (with my daughter's assistance), it's close to 2 p.m. Today is an aberration: pain kept me awake through the night, and just lying there worsened the discomfort, so I gave up and started on my day instead.

We all have our own patterns of engagement with online communities. I'm pretty sure many of our peers here have their own constraints and issues to deal with before turning their attention to HU/PWB.

It is not inconceivable that we simply read others' contributions but do not respond at all, as our mental, emotional or physical state at a given time

is not conducive to interaction.

At other times, we may well stay away for days, weeks or months because we have issues to deal with that demand our unalloyed attention or because we simply feel overwhelmed by "virtual noise" and need to seek peace for a period.

I've been absent from HU for a while (for health and family reasons), but over the past couple of days, I've been posting over on one of the weight management fora after my nurse weighed me last week and I received a rude shock! (Successfully navigating this area of my life as I become overwhelmed by most others helps me to stay focused and feel more in control.)

I'm sure I've missed a lot of posts that I would ordinarily have happily engaged with; it's possible that I've missed members' birthdays, too, but I'm fairly certain that my lapses aren't being held against me! (I hope not, anyway!)

So please, please, please try to understand other people's engagement with online groups.

Making your friends and acquaintances here feel guilty for not having engaged with you is not a healthy approach!

We all have things to do irl (as my daughter terms it).

You yourself, Roukaya, stayed away from HU for quite a few days when you travelled to London some weeks ago. Imagine if a member had posted at that time and worked themselves up into a tizzy because you and others failed to respond to a post - and then held your silence against you!

That kind of response would be completely illogical.

Look to the future with confidence and anticipation! You have so many exciting things ahead... Once you resit and pass the remaining exam and get some experience under your belt, the world is your oyster!

This second lockdown variant isn't as stringent as the first, and I think regulations will be further eased before Christmas.

I hope you manage to do something you wholeheartedly enjoy over the festive period.

Your HU/PWB friends will be around for you, too.

Just please remain patient... and if a particular thread you post doesn't attract too many responses, perhaps try posting a more outward-facing or upbeat or sweetly quirky one - and watch the magic unfold!


Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to TheDrivenSnow

Dear Driven Snow

I would like to explain that I never meant to come across as self absorbed or Narcissistic and if you have chosen to correct this this , I apologise

I would like to further say you have a family around you a husband and children and your Mother

I cannot walk in your shoes and you are unable to walk in my shoes

Mental illness is a savage and unseen illness and whilst you made your posting I will be taking a course of Psychotherapy as clearly my loneliness and isolation and my Mothers neediness is proving to be detrimental to my ability to cope with the resit and finding work experience

Those will mental health issues will not necessary realise they are self absorbed

I posted on this site as a cry for support and nothing else

I will be taking a course of Psychotherapy and hopefully mentally I will feel better in myself

I hope you keep well

I was away from HU as I was preparing for the exams and I did not wish to project my anxiety ok the others which is precisely which has happened with my earlier posting

I will take your observations on board each time I put a posting on

I will always listen and take on board constructive criticism but please understand that if someone is suffering from mental health issues they may not even realise they are self absorbed

I wish you well and I thank you for your post

TheDrivenSnow profile image
TheDrivenSnow in reply to Roukaya

I hope the analysis you undertake helps you to understand yourself better and to find peace.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to TheDrivenSnow

Very kind words and I realise that I need extra support in terms of mental health

I hope you are able to cope and make the best of your life

You are in incredibly intelligent and I hope you can utilise your innate gifts in a positive way

Kind Regards

in reply to TheDrivenSnow


Roukaya profile image

I am looking into taking a course of counselling sessions with a Psychotherapist

I think I find the loneliness extreme but hopefully I can get some help

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