2 days ago in my rush while out shopping and packing groceries into the car I left a bunch of flowers on top of the car and drove off,and not realising my mistake until i got home,i searched everywhere,and then i remembered,oh s@#&?
However i posted this on my facebook page,and this morning,the doorbell rang,i opened the door to be greeted by my friend Dawn flourishing a massive bouquet of flowers,and i did shed a tear,and i was overwhelmed with her kindness.
She also knew that i always place flowers by my late partner David's photo every week,and i do hope he is looking down on this beautiful display of flowers..
Over the past 15 months i have received numerous acts of kindness which have given me the will to keep ,keeping on,when at times i found the going almost impossible to bear and i really did'nt want to keep on.
But i am glad i am still here.