Was really amazing to learn first about Trump's Covid news from our friends across the sea. Living in the U.S., I've pretty much stopped watching news media reporting because I find it upsetting.
I go to bed fairly early and awaken early so imagine my surprise to be catching up on "positive wellbeing daily news" to learn of this.
As a Texan, what made this more humorous for me was hearing a bit later in a daily post from a New York city friend who posted that she'd jut been informed of the news by her British scrabble playing friend.
See how your "little sisters" across the sea depend upon our British friends???
Now, I need to make this site my first of the morning to be kept abreast of what is happening in the U.S. too!
I regret reading that England is beginning to face more restrictions but only wish the U.S. would follow suit. Our CDC has issued letters of instruction to U.S. businesses that while they can post "Masks Required", there are no means of enforcing the policy and to offer masks but not try to oust those not complying.
The increasing contentions between the "mask wearers vs non-masker" has become a very hot potato here politically. Coupled with the growing controversy over mail-in ballots for our soon presidential election, I am again quarantining myself from media news so it will be up to you to inform me of other surprises in the U.S.
Best to all to stay safe and healthy going forward.