Update from my hospital appointment - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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Update from my hospital appointment

45 Replies

Hi all

I had my hospital appointment today and the Dermatologist diagnosed 'Senile Pruritus'. Now you may laugh at my response to that 'but I'm only 61'. My thoughts 'well I'm not in my dotage yet';)

I wrote down all of the creams I'd tried and anything else i.e. using cold compresses which he seemed to find helpful. I've been offered Phototherapy as a treatment which will be twice a week for 10 weeks but I'm now on a waiting list so I don't know how long that'll be under the current climate.

Here's a link below to the condition:


I decided to 'buck the trend' on being senile and went off to the gym after my appointment.:)

Hope you've all had a good day.

Alicia :)

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45 Replies
Agoodenough profile image

At least there is light at the end of the tunnel. 😂

Glad you are now getting somewhere with this x

in reply to Agoodenough

Oh Ali, love it, a sense of humour😂

Yes so am I. I mentioned to him the Asyra Test you had and he'd never heard of it, is it a natural test? I know a lot of doctors don't believe in alternatives. xx🙏😊

Agoodenough profile image
Agoodenough in reply to

No they don’t like it if you don’t go down the drug route although I did explain once to a doctor why I felt like I did and he said he could understand why.

Yes it was natural. Very natural. I thought this won’t do anything but it did. Since it went though I have been drinking lots of water and taking stinging nettle tablets. Haha anyway it’s worked so I’m not going to knock it 😂

in reply to Agoodenough

Thank you Ali and yes you're so right. TBH he didn't seem to care, almost like let's just get her out of here in the shortest time possible, my own doctor was much better.

They really do not like the non medical route do they. Even though I'm on the waiting list for photo Therapy I'm going to look at alternatives. I'm glad that doctor understood.

I'm going to look at that test and the stinging nettle tablets. I'm definitely drinking lots of water and have been for a long time - I'm a frequent visitor to the convenience😂😂

Agoodenough profile image
Agoodenough in reply to

Haha it's a nutritional fact that if you drink a gallon of water a day you won't have time for other peoples dramas, you'll be too busy peeing. 😂

I wondered if I had cholinergic urticaria. Have a look at that. I could see that other things on google sort of related to my symptoms but after it had gone I found out about this so it did make me wonder. I hope you get sorted because the bottom line is you just want it to stop. (If I ever buy supplements I get salgar as they are good quality).

springcross profile image

Well the ball has started rolling now cf, so I hope you don't have too long a wait for your treatment. xx

in reply to springcross

Thank you and it has started, at least it's in the pipeline now. xx🙏🌈

Thank you for updating us. Good to know what it is and it's causes. At least you have a good start to your symptoms.

in reply to

Thank you and yes it's good to know. Thank you for asking to know.🙏🌈

Snowdrops_17 profile image

Good you you got a name for it now Alicia! You definitely not senile, crazy the name of your skin condition, I read it as well! Be careful with the light therapy thou, there be only very short sessions! My brother suffers from Psoriasis and treats himself with that when he has a flare up! But he learnt to avoid aggrevating food! Haha love you went to the Gym afterwards 😂 Great response 😂👋👋

in reply to Snowdrops_17

Yes I'm glad but definitely not senile as looking at the link it says the over 70's.

Thank you re photo therapy, I have thought about the side effects. I feel for your brother with Psoriasis, bless him.

Yes that's my response, the gym.😂😂


Snowdrops_17 profile image
Snowdrops_17 in reply to

He avoids caffeine, spicy food and uses very mild cleansing products for his hair and body Alicia! It was stress related, he is a Doctor and worked in hospitals! Now and then his Psoriasis flares up and then he has some light therapy! But not too many as it can cause skin cancer! 🤗🙏

Smiler53 profile image

Ooo! - Never heard of that before. Thanks for sharing the info. I have a feeling my niece had course of phototherapy for her severe eczema on her feet - worked a treat. Hope you don’t have to wait to long. 😊

in reply to Smiler53

Thank you and I'd never heard of senile pruritus but definitely heard of pruritus.

I'm glad the therapy worked for your niece, that's really good.🌈🙏🌈

Thank you Jerry. I've been thinking for quite a while now that it could be connected to my IBS, really since the food poisoning in November 2018.

It was good to exercise after the appointment.

Hope you're having a good evening.

Alicia 🙏🌈😊👍

thara9643 profile image

Keep us updated. You are in my prayers and good luck.

in reply to thara9643

Thank you, really appreciate your prayers.🌈🙏

blackbeauty99 profile image

At least you have a diagnosis now, i have never heard of "Senile Pruritis". Haha love your sense of humour 😂.

Good luck with your treatment :) x


Glad you are in the system for this treatment. 🤞🤞🤞🤞It won't be too long. Your consultant's secretary would be a good one to speak to as in how long is the list etc . Thanks for the information on your condition as well.

Love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️🤗🌈💜

in reply to

Thank you Lynne and yes I will ring in a couple of weeks or so to see where I am.

Hugs to you.

Alicia xxxx 🌈💜🌈💜

in reply to


At least they will know you are on the ball!!

Love and hugs Lynne xxxx ❤️💜

in reply to

Yes I certainly will.

Hugs xxxx :)

It's good to know that you now have a name to go with your condition albeit a bit of an insulting name😂I hope that your treatment is soon to follow xx

in reply to

Thank you and yes senile is definitely the wrong description for me, especially with my username 😂😂

Hopefully it won't be too long xx

Sheila_G profile image

Glad you have a diagnosis and are being treated appropriately now

in reply to Sheila_G

Thank you Sheila :)

ddmagee1 profile image

It sounds like nasty terminology to me! We must have a sense of humor, though, to get us through these times!

in reply to ddmagee1

Precisely but we certainly do need a sense of humour :)

bobbybobb profile image

In your case, they have got the senile part of it wrong I’m sure. Well At least you know and the treatment is apparently very good.😊🌸

in reply to bobbybobb

Oh most definitely, mad yes but not senile ;) Yes it is supposed to be very good :)

It comes as quite a shock to discover that science and medicine considers you to be in old age at 60 doesn't it Alicia? For some diagnoses the age you are considered old can be much younger too.

But of course the old saying that 'you're as old as you feel', is very true, and no matter how our bodies may, or may not decay, we can hopefully think and behave in any way we feel fit enough to!

I'm glad at least that you have a diagnosis. I hope that you'll be offered your phototherapy very soon to help alleviate your symptoms. And continue to enjoy being 61! 😊👍🙏🚴‍♀️🏋️‍♂️👟

in reply to

I know it certainly is at being in your early 60's is not old these days, I don't consider anyone old until they've reached their 80's and even then some are not old.

Oh I couldn't agree with your sentiments more Sue, young in mind even not in body sometimes but I'm fortunate enough to be able to enjoy the level of fitness that I do and enjoy it.

So am I and hopefully it won't be too long. I'm like my mother was as she said to me once 'I might have an old body but in mind I'm still 20', I'll stick by that. :)

margaretpaloma profile image

Thank your for this, I know we should not self diagnose but at the moment many of us are reluctant to go to the doctor/hospital. I have been experiencing scaly itchy patches on my skin for a while, but more so this year. Husband and I have had several theories but this fits it to the T.

I use simple moisturiser with an essential oil blend added (from a seller called Katseye blends on ebay, I use blend 4 but the owner will advise) if nothing else it smells great and really helps, and I use a little steroid cream if really necessary but not regularly Moisturise liberally after bathing.

I shall continue with this until I'm comfortable with medical appointments. Senile, there was I thinking I was still a spring chicken!!

in reply to margaretpaloma

I thought mine was pruritus a long time ago and that's what the doctor has said but then he did a biopsy and sent it to the hospital and it came back as thickening of the skin but then of course yesterday he said it was pruritus - strange.

I'm the same with moisturising as I'm using O'Keefe's at the moment and will then go back to the CBD cream that I was using before as I'm finding that one the best at the moment, I've tried a whole list of creams but not the Katseye one, I'll look at that.

Senile, yes it can conjure up all sorts.

S11m profile image

I am 71, and I have lost about 35kg... and I keep my skin (relatively) young and wrinkle-free by scrubbing myself all over every day with a floor scrubbing brush... this dermabrasion removes dead or flakey skin, and tightens and toughens the skin.

If you scrub off the top layer of your skin - there is always a new layer underneath? (This may work better for prevention than treatment... don't tell Big Pharma.)

in reply to S11m

Oh my goodness, well done on your 35kg loss and I've never heard of anyone using a scrubbing brush on their skin but if you think about it it's very like using a body scrub.

Whatever works for us is good.

Williemom profile image

Good for you for “bucking” the system.

Whatever keeps you going!

You go girl!👏😀

in reply to Williemom

Thank you and I will continue bucking the system that's for sure. :)

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits

I had phototherapy for mine several years ago and it was great and I got a suntan on the nhs. Hope it works for you

in reply to Craftyperson

Thank you and I'm so glad it worked for you :)

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply to

Your welcome hope it works for you

in reply to Craftyperson

Thank you 🙏👍

I use moisturising creams and take nettle capsules. It's recently flared up again but I've decided to take a more natural approach to treat it.

It does seem to be which I'm very pleased about. 💕💕💞


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