Hi everyone, got back from the hospital a hr ago hurting somewhat but it had to be done , I thought I had done before but I hadn't they put you on a table and put tubes up back and front and then fill your bladder up slowly at same time as filming inside and then the table slowly moves to a upright position and you tell them when you need to pee and I couldn't till the tubes came out and now I await what they can do . Clive X 🤗
Hospital : Hi everyone, got back from... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
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I’m glad it’s over for you Clive, it sounds pretty invasive to me but as you say it had to be done. I hope you don’t have to wait too long to find out what can be done. 🙂
Thank you x
It sounds an awful experience Clive. I do hope it will all be worthwhile for you.
And so do I 🙏

Glad you are back. I had something like that a few years ago, and was fastened to a sort of wheel l can only liken it to that famous Da Vinci drawing. Cannot even remember what it was for? But remember being upside down for a short time. Hope you feel more comfortable soon.
Well that part's over now Clive and it doesn't sound as if it was very pleasant so I hope they can get you sorted once and for all. x
I hope so too. Clive X 🤗
Hi Clive, please be gentle on yourself. One breath at a time. Hope you will recover soon from this procedure. Much love and lights to you. ❤️🙏
Thank you so much GreatMindfulness for your kind words , I hope I don't have to have it done again . Clive X 🤗
Well done Clive. Good to have that behind you and let's hope for a good outcome with some kind of plan to help you!
Thank you Sue x
I've got everything crossed that you don't have to go through that again, and you get good results from it, be kind to yourself now as you've had a tough few days
Thank you Jennymary I will try and rest and recharge my batteries n. Clive X 🤗
I hope that they can solve the problem for you. X
Thank you Jerry , still a bit sore but getting there that is the main thing . Clive 🙏
Hi Floxxy, it is all down to my neck c3c4c5 fused which led to Cervical myelopathy which effects the bladder and bowel and other parts of my body it is all the nerves that are damaged through the compression. Clive X 🤗

Hope they find out what wrong and a solution
Sounds like checking for or has something to do with interstitial cystitis? The last time they tried to have tubes going into my bladder and ran the solution into my bladder and it hit the pee urge everything came out along with the solution, urine and tubes. It wasn’t a pleasant test at all. I hope they are able to help relieve your pain and bladder issue.
Hi , they were checking for strength as mine is neurological due to compression in my neck c3c4c5
So sorry to hear that. Have you got the results of the test and the doctors come up with a plan of treatment?
Not yet got to be honest there's not much they can do , I have had catheter bag on and catheterised myself in the past . I will wait and see.
So sorry to here that. Doing the self catheterizations sounds painful. With the interstitial cystitis every time I had to be catheterized it always caused a burning type pain. I so sorry you are having to go through all of this.
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